
Well Known Member
I’d like to get some feedback on how well the SFSA air conditioning system works. Does it really cool the plane well prior to take off? Does it fend off the radiant heat from the sun in the RV-10 while in lower level flight (prior to climbing high enough to reach nature’s AC)? Are there any wishes that owners have after using the system for awhile? Is it as effective as the Airflow Systems AC?

Any insights would be appreciated!
My Airflow system A/C works pretty well in the RV-14A. I had it out on a 87F day here in Indiana with bright sun and was comfortable on the ground and in the air. I run it as soon as the engine starts, turn it off for takeoff, turn it back on after retracting the flaps and turning off the fuel pump and then shut it off again once I reach 50F degree air. I'm very interested in seeing how it works down in FL when I get vectored down low on a 95F day. That will be the real test.
SFSA A/C on my -10. Three South Texas summers under my belt. Glad I did it.

Don't expect the same as your car. My system puts out 45* (similar to car) but the issue is volume of air delivered. With the big windows a -10 is a greenhouse.
Decrease your sun in and increase your air in as much as possible.

4 things I like:
Dry air,
Cool air on my head,
Doors closed during taxi,
Quieter cabin due to outside air vents always closed.

I turn it on after every start and leave it on the entire flight (just liked my car). The system always allows fresh air even when in recirculating mode. It's nice to have dry fresh air. It reduces windshield fogging.
HP reduction during operation ?

Is there an estimate of HP needed to operate the A/C ? What is the weight in total of these units ? Not knocking A/C just would like to understand the data.
Is there an estimate of HP needed to operate the A/C ? What is the weight in total of these units ? Not knocking A/C just would like to understand the data.

My guess is 5-6 hp to operate.
Here is the weight of the Airflow AC system in pounds:

Bracket 3.0
Compressor 13.4
Condenser 4.8
Dryer 1.3
Evaporator 15.4
Vents 1.1
Manifolds 0.3
Fittings 3.8
Hoses 4.5
Shelf 1.7
Ducts 2.2
Scoop 4.7
My guess is 5-6 hp to operate.
Here is the weight of the Airflow AC system in pounds:

Bracket 3.0
Compressor 13.4
Condenser 4.8
Dryer 1.3
Evaporator 15.4
Vents 1.1
Manifolds 0.3
Fittings 3.8
Hoses 4.5
Shelf 1.7
Ducts 2.2
Scoop 4.7

And that weight is spread out fairly evenly.
Compressor up front, condenser mid, and evap aft.

My understanding is it's slightly CG aft, but pretty close to CG neutral for the whole thing.
Has anyone installed Airflow or SFSA's system in a finished airplane? It doesn't look like it will be too difficult if the hoses can be run through the tunnel.
For your consideration, we have an Airflow Systems AC. We just came from Carefree AZ last week where it was 118F in the day. Once engine was running we turned the AC on and it cooled down nicely durning taxi. The system is solid, we have no issues over 120 hours or this last year.

I had my system professionally installed by Jeff Michael from Jetstream Composites at KCFO. If you're looking for help he is the guy to do the work. Bill from Airflow was always there for questions and helped us with parts and even tools we needed.