pierre smith

Well Known Member
Mornin' guys/gals,
I just got off talking to a briefer while watching the stuff move Southeasterly on Intellicast (.com). The RV is packed (for now) but they're talking severe convective stuff later with 1" hail around southern Indiana/Kentucky area, in what is at present a gap between two systems....sucker hole??

So for now, we'll just sit but still hope to see y'all by Sunday.

Good call, Pierre. That doesn't look like a fun line to penetrate. Hope to see you at OSH. We are planning to leave Monday afternoon or Tuesday AM.

It's really banging around up here this morning. Isolated cells, but strong ones. I think waiting is a good idea.
Yeah, but...

....In the past, we'd fly right up to a fast moving front, land and wait it out for a couple hours as it passed, then go.

However, 1" hail pounding on my gal while we wait doesn't go down good, so it'll stay tucked in my hangar for now.

There's always tomorrow,
....In the past, we'd fly right up to a fast moving front, land and wait it out for a couple hours as it passed, then go.

That's my normal strategy too, but it looks like tomorrow AM may be a better time to penetrate the front as it loses energy in the TN/KY area. This is one of those half dozen times a year I wish I had XM.

If we keep close to interstates and conditions dictate we *should* be able to use my buddy's super duper cell phone for radar info similar to what XM provides.
The front moved through here about 4-5 am with quite a bit of lightning but not much else. Very little rain. It lost much of its punch over night.

Right now Paducah is VFR and north of there seems rather calm although there is a cloud deck at about 4000'. For sure if you launched now, that Paducah hole will close by noon or early afternoon when the front renews itself.
....In the past, we'd fly right up to a fast moving front, land and wait it out for a couple hours as it passed, then go.

However, 1" hail pounding on my gal while we wait doesn't go down good, so it'll stay tucked in my hangar for now.

There's always tomorrow,
WX kept us on the ground here in Louisville KY. We will leave tomorrow. (Sunday)

Better to be on the ground wishing you were in the air, then to be in the air wishing you were on the ground.........
Old & Bold

One must never forget that there are old pilots and there are bold pilots but never an old bold pilot...
Always Room for Experimentals! (?)

Pierre did you make it in? I heard this morning the airport was full and closed to new arrivals.

I hope Pierre can find parking, because I am still a day from getting there!

From the Airventure "Parking" Web Page....

Showplane Areas

Showplane areas are expected to remain open throughout AirVenture 2009. These areas accommodate:
- Experimental aircraft (homebuilts)
- Vintage Aircraft (manufactured prior to 1971)
- Warbirds
- Seaplanes
- Rrotorcraft
- Ultralights

General Aviation Areas

The General Aviation Camping Area is currently full and not accepting new arriving aircraft. Camping aircraft are being accepted at Fond du Lac.
The General Aviation Parking Area is also full and not accepting new arrivals.

Because these areas are at saturation, aircraft are being directed to nearby airports, such as Fond du Lac (FLD) and Appleton (ATW).
Do you think Homebuilt Camping is full too? I've been trying to find a live picture of that area with no joy....
I'm parked in the back row and they just opened up some car parking area for Homebuilt Camping. It's only good for about 20 or so. I'm leaving in the morning, weather permitting. You can have my spot! :D
Pierre made it at 12:30 today!

Just talked to Pierre and Brian. They made it in around 12:30PM this afternoon. Currently at the grocery store stocking up on munchies!

Man, I hope the parking situation changes by Thursday eve when I plan to get in (if wx lets me, that is).

Do I assume correctly that by Thursday enough folks would have left that a latecomer like me would stand a chance at a camping space for me and my -9? Really don't want to camp anywhere else but OSH. I guess I could park in the RV area and shlep my stuff to the campground if necessary.
I guess I could park in the RV area and shlep my stuff to the campground if necessary.

From what I can see the RV area pretty much makes up most of the Homebuilt Camping Area. Park there and throw down a tent. There should be spaces available to you by Thursday... I'm leaving Thurs morning or noon-ish, so you can have mine!

When I arrived at 0940 this morning the parking crew looked a bit concerned and said that they were close to filling up even the homebuilt spots, but as Bubblehead mentioned, they moved a car park fence back a bit to open up another 15-20 spots. When I headed out this evening (Monday) there was still room there.
Here's another one...

Pilots who fly into bad weather have their funerals in VFR weather.

I realize that sounds harsh, but think about it. Doesn't most really bad weather move out in three or four days?