
Active Member
I have only a few hours using the SkyView. When I try to set the altitude bug,
I only get thousands of feet, i.e. 2000, 3000, 4000,..., as I turn the knob. How
do I set the altitude bug to 3,500?
I don't have my installation or pilot's manuals for SkyView here but I think it is in the setup menu, perhaps in PFD setup. I have mine set up for 100' increments but did that a couple years ago so I don't exactly remember where I set that.

You might try asking the question on the Dynon forum website.
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Each click of the knob should increase or decrease the bug by 100'. You cannot change it to 50' increments.

If you spin the knob quickly, then there is an "acceleration" which makes it advance more than 100' per click, but it doesn't sound like that is what you meant.

I saw this question on the Dynon forum but could find nothing in the manuals to allow changing the increments.
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It had previously been on 100 increments however if somehow it has changed I would just call Dynon, they should be able to answer you question in a few minutes. They may even jump into this thread.
Thanks for your responses. Actually, I think I have to retract my question. Last weekend when I flew, everything behaved as I would expect it to. I guess I was spinning the knob too fast.