Well Known Member
May seem like a dumb question from such a looooong time builder but when adjusting Flap setting stops, where is the 0 degree reference point when setting say 20 degrees. I'm thinking a level longeron would be the 0 degree data point in relation to the 20 degree flap setting. Would that be correct or is the full up position considered the 0 degree point using the wing chord line. Funny how many non builder guys scratched their heads when I asked them.:confused:
Zero is through the center of the wing cord and the flap tooling holes (center of flap rib)
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Zero is through the center of the wing cord and the flap tooling holes (center of flap rib)

I looked at it a little differently.

Set the ailerons to zero using either the tooling holes or the wing template, and then make the flaps the same.

If you have a slight twist in any of the surfaces you can check with a short digital level. Get a center reading and readings at each end of each control surface. Minor adjustments can then be made to 'average" stuff out.

I thought if all of the top surfaces average out to the same reading when flaps are zero and ailerons neutral, then the plane should fly straight.

It did in my case...:)

I found the above was easier to do than to try and use the flap reference holes.
Thanks Gil.
I think I still have the my wing templates to check. Wanted to make sure where zero flaps were measured from. So many adjustments are done after getting the fuselage perfectly level first that I got a little confused :)
Flaps are set to degree of travel. The level of the A/C does not matter. With the flaps in full up finished position, set your smart level on the flap and set to "0" (or just take a reading and add the degrees) then move the flap down to the degree you are looking for.

The main thing is to set the full down flap position high enough so when you push down on the flap, it WILL NOT pop out from under the wing skin. You should be able to get at least 40 degrees. Then find a position between full up and full down and you are done.

Make as many flap settings as you want, but 20 and 40 is all you need.
Thanks Gil.
I think I still have the my wing templates to check. Wanted to make sure where zero flaps were measured from. So many adjustments are done after getting the fuselage perfectly level first that I got a little confused :)

Yes. Use the template. That is what it is for. You can't really see the tooling holes but they are the center of the rib, or supposed to be.