
Well Known Member
On page 19-06 the aileron servo wiring shows what look like 2 jumpers on WH-00077 in Detail C.

In detail B a connector (C406J, not included in my kit) is shown receiving 2 wires from the outboard (servo) connector, apparently from the 2 terminals which the jumpers go to.

My question(s):

a. What is the purpose of connector C406J in Detail B? Is this for aileron trim? Do other builders have C406J included in their wiring kits?

b. Should I wire in the 2 jumpers in Detail C? And then where does the servo plug in??

The connector C406J was included in my kit. It was in bag 3013 and labeled as ES-00045, a six pin Molex connector.

It also has 5 wires that are routed to it.

The plans just say 'stow for future use'. Like you I have no idea what it is for. Seems in an odd place for aileron trim. My first thought was a second ADAHRS but I don't know if that would be the right connector.

WH-00077 came prewired in my kit, just like the illustration in Detail C - same bag 3013. I took it to be some kind of network termination. If you put in a servo, the rest of the connector is probably populated with wires from the servo or swapped out for another connector.
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