
Active Member
Evening all
I am at section 30, joining forward fuse to aft and wondered if it would be ok and easier to complete sections 31,33,34 while the forward fuse is on the floor rather than up on horses. These are sections on fuel lines, brake lines etc. that have nothing to do with baggage compartment etc. I?m sure this been answered before but I could not find with the search function.
Thanks for your thoughts
Greg Beckner
That?s what I did

While awaiting space in my shared building to join the fuselage sections, that is what I did. Also seat backs. Have not experienced any downside to that so far.
Precisely what I did except for section 34 (flap actuation) - you really need to wait on that one until after the baggage floors are in, because the structure it attaches to is part of the baggage floor section, which has to be done AFTER the fuse/tail join. I'm completing 35 also before I join fuse and tail. This is equivalent to building the QB fuse, plus brake and fuel systems. I'll finish the rudder install after the join (running cables to pedals etc)

I ran this plan by my EAA tech counselor (Vic Syracuse) who saw no issue with it.
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Most of the flaps actuation - everything except the connection to the flap motor shaft - can be done in advance.
Most of the flaps actuation - everything except the connection to the flap motor shaft - can be done in advance.

I guess I didn't study the baggage floor section/ flap actuation sections well enough. I'll look again, because I want as much done as I can before the "big join"....
Most of the flaps actuation - everything except the connection to the flap motor shaft - can be done in advance.

I guess I didn't study the baggage floor section/ flap actuation sections well enough. I'll look again, because I want as much done as I can before the "big join"....
Rudder cable

One caution - it's fine to build the brake pedals and install the rudder/brake assembly, brake lines, etc. However, do not run the rudder cable into that section if it is already in the tailcone, as it has to go through a hole in the leading edge of the baggage area floor. And it would be a right bugger to take it back out to route it thru there.