Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
Doug, thanks for putting the "remember 9-11" graphic on the front page.


Is it possible to buy those as a window sticker??

If so, I need a dozen or so, and could probably generate a lot of sales with the local fire depts.

Thanks again for remembering-------------------

Fire Captain, retired.
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Mike Thompson

A few years back Mike Thompson from Austin sold some of these (with the artist's blessing) with the proceeds going to the Red Cross (if I remember correctly). Maybe he reads the forums and will chime in if he has any left (I bought a patch from him and had it sewn on my leather jacket).

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Doug, thanks for the info.

I was hoping your guy that makes the VAF stickers, Greg, was the vendor.

Good luck with the annual/C.I.

Fly safe.

Really starting to like the Picasa.