
Well Known Member
So I am now starting to consider the fact that I will need to get ADS-B compliant. I'd bet that there are more out there that are starting to think about it a little more too. So I ask the moderators... Is there a chance that we could have a sub-forum about ADS-b compliance?



[ed. I'll look into it, but I'm wanting to wait until after the migration to the new server (soon). v/r,dr]
Last edited by a moderator:
We mods have been quiet because:
1) we either can't start a new forum...
2) or simply don't know how.
3) Either way, we figured DR would chime in, and he did in an edit to the OP:

"ed. I'll look into it, but I'm wanting to wait until after the migration to the new server (soon). v/r,dr"