
Well Known Member
Just FYI, Sensenich advised me that you do NOT need a return authorization if you are returning your prop hub. They said just INCLUDE the plastic pitch cylinder and send it along with the hub to the Plant City address. Include your name, address, and telephone number.

( I see no pitch change or looseness on mine, but am sending it back for the "repair" job anyway to head off problems that might arise in the future.)
Very Interesting...

They said just INCLUDE the plastic pitch cylinder and send it along with the hub to the Plant City address. QUOTE]

That's interesting, when I asked them (Sensenich) if I needed to return anything other than the two hub halves, I was told "no". I sent mine in Monday and they got it Yesterday, I sure hope they don't NEED the plastic adjusty thing.
I spoke with them Monday and they said to include the white delrin piece. They want to take measurements and said in all liklihood it would be returned unless there was excessive wear, in which case they would send a new one.
Spoke with them today- a few clarifications

I spoke with Mike at Sensenich today. Firstly, to clarify a few things from the prior thread on this topic. They are sending off returned hubs to be re-machined and then re-anodized (black as already noted). The serial/revision number will not change based on what he told me. In all likelihood, you also will not receive your original hub back (I specifically asked this question). Rather, you will likely receive someone else's that has been re-machined. He indicates it will still look new with the exception of potential marks from the Nordlock washers from a prior installation. Right now with the initial influx, he said turnaround is up to 2-3 weeks. He did not see that increasing much further but did indicate that there is no rush to remove and send a B revision hub in if you have not observed any movement (still recommended eventually doing so however).

They do want both the hub itself and the white delrin pitch cylinder for the reasons that John outlined above. Basically, he indicated any slippage could damage the holes where the blade pins insert, in which case they will replace the cylinder. You don't need to include any bolts/washers.

He was very helpful and indicated they are trying to get someone from Sensenich on VAF to provide some clarifications and answer questions (he actually asked whether I was on the forum). He also indicated that they are sending information to Vans regarding each customer that has returned a hub for re-work.

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Sensenich Service bulletin

I'd sure like to see a copy of the Sensenich SB11-04-15. Can't findit anywhere!! Any help appreciated.
Are all gold hubs going back for rework, or just the ones that develop a problem??

Hub model?

Boy, I just stumbled onto this post. It is kind of important and maybe should be a sticky for a while. I've never received anything from Vans or Sensenich nor is there any mention of this SB on either website.

My serial number has a 'B' at the end, but I'm not sure about the Hub Model. Are all hubs supplied for the RV12 Hub Model 2A0R5, or are there more than one model number? If more than one, where is that stamped or listed? Thanks guys. Steve
Hey Steve - -

I think you need to send your hub in.

Yes, I believe all the hubs supplied are that model for the -12. I have an 'A' suffix, and they told me mine was ok. B's are the problem ones.

John Bender
I sent my rev B prop hub in almost two weeks ago. I called before sending it and was told it was a 2 day turn around to send a replacement. 2 days later it became a 2-3 week schedule.

Hopefully it gets returned this week. My airplanes flying(was) and flight testing is almost completed - Since I wasn't having any troubles I wouldn't have returned it right now had I known that they didn't actually have replacements to send back.
I have a B hub and called the Plant City shop on thursday and was asked to wait two weeks to send mine because they are swamped. I was told that their machinist was on vacation and will be back next week.
They told me I was among the early senders. They must have got hit with more initially than they anticipated. Atleast now I'll have it out of the way.
Over 100 hubs are now flying so Im sure that they are very busy

Here is an option, Just call them and have them send a hub to you while you keep flying. Then when your new rebuilt hub arrives take an hour out of you day and install it then drop the old one in the mail back to Senenish.;)
That was my thinking before my first call to them. An offer of advance replacement with a deposit would have been ideal.

I think the trouble now is they don't have a rebuilt hub to send. It sounded like they did initially, but not nearly as many as necessary for this first wave of replacements. I had sent mine in on the understanding my replacement would be sent within two days-I'm sure they meant well. Had they used an RMA process to regulate the flow of incoming hubs and keep track of their promises they may have been able to provide better customer service. Had they told me 2-3 weeks I would have gladly waited. I have seen some really awesome customer service from other vendors like Dynon, as an example.
Hub turnaround

I was told they were running 2-3 weeks when I first called on April 20th. They did not anticipate it getting beyond 2-3 weeks when I spoke with them.

Given that they are basically revising hubs as they come in, I don't think they would send one out to someone with a deposit. Doing so would mean those who have already sent one in would have to wait longer for turnaround. Perhaps they will eventually get to a point where they are caught up and can do this though-would have been nice to help minimize down time.

Not me

I forked over the cash to have mine overnighted (big mistake) on Monday 4/18/11 and got confirmation that it was received on 4/19/11. I called on Thursday 4/28/11 and was told that a batch had just come back from machining and was being sent for plating and would be back Monday (5/2/11) and they hoped to start shipping Tuesday (5/3/11). I was not told, however, if mine was in that batch.

When Friday 5/6/11 rolled around and I still had no hub I emailed and was told this morning that my hub will ship "in a couple days". No indication of shipping method, no date when I can expect it, no explanation of delay, nothin!
No Hub

I spoke with Sensenich on April 18 and they said 2-3 days for hub turnaround. Paid extra to get it to them on April 20. As of May 10, no hub and no commitment when it will ship. They really botched this process.
I received my replacement. I called frequently and asked nicely - Not sure if that helped. I do think they meant well, just were not prepared. Sounded like they had many out being anodized and were just waiting on that to get everyone taken care of.
1 to 2 day turn around?

Boy, that's odd...mine has been in their hands for a couple of weeks now and not yet returned...if newly arrived units can be turned around in one or two days, why are some like mine still not done after several weeks?

Something doesn't make sense.

I had the same discussion with Mike on April 18 ... 2 day turnaround! It is now May 11 and based on todays call mine "may" ship tomorrow. Maybe they are getting ahead of the curve but their promise of 2-3 days will be closer to 4 weeks before I see the hub.
I will be anxious to see when my hub ( or replacement) returns.
One question floating around in my head since learning of the fix is that shaving .008" off each hub creates an (very small) out of round condition of hub. Diameter is .016" smaller at 3 and 9 oclock creating two initial contact points. That means the pressure on blades at attach point will be concentrated at those two points on blades. Does that create a problem for the composite material? I don't know. Does anyone out there know? (I know that I think too much about these things). Probably not an issue or Sensenich would do otherwise, correct?
Dick Seiders
If it ain't broke?

Dick, I don't know the answer to your question but, as I recall, and I will check this week during an annual inspection, my hub had some clearance when it was torqued on. If so, taking an additional 0.008" off is not going to help anything. Of course, I wouldn't be getting mine back, but probably one that had a problem that was fixed.

The bulletin is not exactly black and white, am I to consider this a mandatory fix?

My hub is one of the B models. The prop has not changed pitch in 70 hours of flying. I never received a copy in the mail of the Service bulletin, I suppose I would give it a higher priority if I did.

If I send it in, I will miss out on 4 weeks of good flying weather. Maybe I could wait until next winter, like the bulletin implies?

Of course, if it is a mandatory Service Bulletin, one would have to comply and log it as completed.

Is anyone else hesitating on this, or did you all just UPS that baby back to Florida?

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Tony, I recall the specified gap on the assembled hub, but don't know if the hub opening was round when clamped. I assumed it was for best gripping of the full surface of the blade ends. If it was not then I suspect the removal of .016" won't make a difference except that it will allow tighter clamping on the prop, and that's what they are looking for.
I hesitated to send mine in, but the idea of it starting to move in flight prompted me to join the crowd. I hope they won't take four weeks to return it, but it appears that is the norm. I can't imagine that a 15 to 30 min. grinding job would back up to four weeks. Maybe it's the anodizer which is dragging it's feet. How many "B" hubs can there be with only about 100 flying 12's? Wonder if Van's is likely to help encourage better performance of their suppliers? It's their customers who are getting unhappy. Very interesting dilemma with as usual too many unanswered questions.
Dick Seiders
I gave mine to UPS on May 5th, sending from Arkansas to Florida. I received it back today, May 16th.
hanging onto mine

My hub has a much higher number than shown in the bulletin but still has the "B" suffix. I'm checking the pitch every 10-15 hours and if nothing changes my "earliest convenience" (which is what the bulletin says) will be next winter sometime.

Wayne 120241 N143WM
Let sleeping dogs lie.

Hi Tony,

I wouldn't change it now unless it starts to move. Even if it does move, the results will not be catastrophic. You don't want to miss out on the great Northwest flying weather while it lasts!

BTW, ground runs of my newly balanced prop are very encouraging as to vibration levels. Haven't had a chnace to fly it yet.:( We are in the midst of another rainy week here. Is this Seattle? No, just the Adirondacks in springtime!


Just got an e mail from Mike at Sensenich. He tells me 12 hubs are going out today, and six more (including mine) on Thursday. Not bad for just sending it last Thursday. Hopefully all will be receiving theirs this week based on the message this catches them up. This is certainly good news for all who have been waiting so long.
Dick Seiders
Glad some of you got it back quickly. They certainly promised mine would be back in a week. Mine will be back exactly one month to the day it arrived at Sensenich. First and last Sensenich prop in my hanger.
Received my hub today just as Mike said I would. Very cool to get an 8 day turn door to door. I hope all the rest of you fared as well. Only thing strange about mine is while I expected to get a different hub returned it is a C model??? 29500C. I plan to ask Mike about it.
Dick Seiders