
Well Known Member
Does anyone have experience with the metal Sensenich propeller on the RV3B with the 160 HP Lycoming?

We recently finished our project and we are waiting for the FAA registration to be completed so our DAR can come and look at the aircraft and get it certified.

In the mean time we have be dealing with all the little nuisance things that always seem to be there when you finish a project like this.

While checking why we do not have a tach reading on our EIS from the Lightspeed Plasma III, (we do have a tach reading from the magneto) we decided to run the engine to full power. When doing a full power run up it appeared that we could get 2280 "static" RPM.

Is this too much?
what can we expect as a full throttle RPM?
What is a normal RPM increase from static to full throttle when airborne?

We are 700' above sea level
The propeller is a 70" dia x 81" pitch (the one Van's recommends for the RV3)
Hi Tony,

Thanks for the very quick reply.
Yes, we are now waiting for the FAA to get the thing registered so our good friend JN can come and look at it and give it an airworthy certificate.

I did have a few problems, one being the Lightspeed and the EIS did not want to communicate with each other (tach reading) but I think we have that solved.

We are pretty much ready to go!