
Well Known Member
Just six weeks and one day after the order was placed! Also the first weekend with temps on the 20's- low 30's after a record warm December for this area.

Wayne 120241/143WM-- flying again very soon, I hope!
Wayne, glad you got your blades finally. I sincerely hope you have a warm place to install them! My carbs also just came back from Lockwood. Of course they waited for the cold spell to get here! I'm waiting for the predicted warm-up next week to install them. My T hangar is unheated and very drafty.
I was lucky, John

A friend built a large, heated hangar here several years ago and I was the first to rent space there-- he keeps his airplane there and there's an RV-7 also. I built my -12 there while my Yankee sat outside. Doing the preflight in a nice warm (hangar sure beats doing it outside!