Please explain to me the pro's or con's of this move.

I am working on a 150 HP rv 6 and I currently am running the Sensenich 70CM at 77 Pitch.

I am wanting to put the catto 3 blade composit on the aircraft with the rain tape strips. I am not really concerned on the rain issue. My issue is performance , balance , known issues. Could someone please shed any light on these aircraft props. Let me know any available information. If you have one I would like to hear from you. I dont want to lose any speed, I want less vibration and better climb. Anyone comments are appreciated.
Hi Scott......

There has been a great big wealth of information on the Catto/Sensy issue and if you'll use the "search" function at the top, you'll open up a ton of info,

Your cheapest solution is to fly a Cessna 172 then be happy with what you have. Next best is to go with a constant speed prop. Most expensive is 180 HP or better engine and CS prop.

I picked up maybe 3 knots when I converted from an Aymar-Demuth to a Catto 3 blade.

You can also have your prop/engine dynamically balanced.
Here's the deal , I really just want to gain less vibration. But im worries b/c the metal sensinich is virtually maintance free in all types of weather. I am mainly concerned with the rain and water issue. I am gettting the rain guards put on the prop. Again, what happens if it gets a nick in the prop. Metal is easy simply file it out. This ( GLASS ) gets nicked then what happens. The metal prop has failed to ever balance out nicely. I will lose weight with the new prop and therefore feel that will be a good thing but what else or if anything will I lose. I want to at least break even on performance if not gain some. I dont want to lose any speed. If anything I want this investment to gain me something more than just a vibration free ride although I will appreicate that.... Guys let me know what you thinik
Now that also raises the question ! TWO OR THREE BLADES!!!

WHich begs teh most common question . . .

How much do you want to spend?

Me, I'm waffling on the same decision, Sen or catto 2-blade. I like the idea of smooth, but I'm a bit worried about my CG heading towards the tail . . . already.

Rick 90432 O320 9A
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I have no problem with the reasonably priced props that Craig offer's. I think the prop looks Sexy! From what I hear the smoothness is a real treat. I am worried about the CG also. Can anyone comment on what that is going to do to the RV 6. I know that my current prop weighs in at 44LBS. Thats a huge weight change. Has anyone else been through this yet?
Repairs are very simple.

I am mainly concerned with the rain and water issue. I am gettting the rain guards put on the prop. Again, what happens if it gets a nick in the prop. Metal is easy simply file it out. This ( GLASS ) gets nicked then what happens.

I've owned a Catto prop for over nine years. It's picked up a ton of dings and even a few nasty gouges in the leading edge (due to some braindeadness on the part of the pilot).

In talking with Craig, he told me that as long as the wood was not cracked, any nick, ding, scrape or whatever could be fixed by simple feather sanding, then using flox to fill. Then sand to contour and paint over it. He even includes the paint numbers.

I've repaired at least a dozen nicks, gouges, etc. Just had the prop repainted locally and test ran it, no trace of extra vibration. Most prop shops will know how to balance your prop, wood or otherwise, I would say.

YMMV, but I personally like Catto props. As for the weight change, you can always add a few pounds by using a weighted prop extension.

P.S. My Catto is NOT on an RV.
Thanks Joe,
I will contact Craig again tomorro for the weighted prop extension I didn't even think of that. I appreciate your input and I will keep my decisions posted for others. Thank you