
Well Known Member
I am taking my prop off for inspection this weekend (72FM8S9-1 85), and need a little help. Transport Canada specifies that the inspection needs to include measuring to ensure that the prop still meets or exceeds the minimum acceptable dimensions, but for the life of me I can't find any documentation on Sensi's website that provides those numbers, with the exception of minimum diameter for repair (69"). Otherwise, nothin'. Does anyone have these numbers? Thanks in advance.
I am taking my prop off for inspection this weekend (72FM8S9-1 85), and need a little help. Transport Canada specifies that the inspection needs to include measuring to ensure that the prop still meets or exceeds the minimum acceptable dimensions, but for the life of me I can't find any documentation on Sensi's website that provides those numbers, with the exception of minimum diameter for repair (69"). Otherwise, nothin'. Does anyone have these numbers? Thanks in advance.

As per the SENSENICH Designations, a 72FM8S9-1 85 propeller has a 72" basic diameter with 1 inch of diameter reduction (71" actual diameter in your case) and 85" of pitch. I hope this helps.

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Thanks. I did have all those numbers figured out. I guess I thought there would be minimums for other dimensions specified: chord, thickness, etc. It is entirely possible I am looking for specifications that I don't need to worry about. I am fine with that!
INSPECTION? ..... we don need no stinkin'......

I am taking my prop off for inspection this weekend (72FM8S9-1 85), and need a little help. Transport Canada specifies .......... I can't find any documentation ......... Does anyone have these numbers? Thanks in advance.

Gerry, last time I inspected my prop, it was right there, bolted on the front end, just like last year!:rolleyes:

please enlighten those of us in the dark; what you are up this a 10-year mandated 'overhaul' by TC..... or Sensi or.......???? I've only run across the requirements for adjustable pitch units.
Of course I just 'annualed' mine, dressed out nicks, repainted the back, checked the tracking, etc. etc.

As per my thread in the Canada section:

My tame AME and I removed and inspected the prop today per CAR 625 App C which specifies that this be done every 5 years (see the posts from Kamikaze quoting the CARs). As noted there, the prop is supposed to be "checked for correct dimensions". That's why I was trying to find out just what the dimensions of the prop are supposed to be, aside from the diameter. Since that was the only dimension I could find in Sensi's literature, it made the "measurement" part of the inspection pretty darn simple! My prop is, in fact, 71" in diameter, just like it's supposed to be. What a relief;)

Prop is now happily back on the front end of the Lycosaurus, cleaned, checked, remounted, retorqued and resafetied.
As an AME, I can tell you that your prop can be inspected and signed out by yourself if your aircraft is in the homebuilt/expermimental category.
Thanks Hugh; I came to the same conclusion, and did the inspection with help from my tame AME. Inspection is completed and signed off with zero issues.
Transport Canada specifies that the inspection needs to include measuring to ensure that the prop still meets or exceeds the minimum acceptable dimensions

Ok, question from a naive person living south of Canada:
How does a prop change dimensions? Is this for wood props, which I can see may warp or something? If I metal prop change dimensions you will have other more serious concerns.
What am I missing? Sounds like "measure your wing span" to be sure it is still what it is supposed to be.
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Ok, question from a naive person living south of Canada:
How does a prop change dimensions? Is this for wood props, which I can see may warp or something? If I metal prop change dimensions you will have other more serious concerns.
What am I missing? Sounds like "measure your wing span" to be sure it is still what it is supposed to be.

The dimensions involved are the diameter, blade thickness and cord. these dimensions can change due to dressing a blade or repairing a damaged tip. I once had blade scored by a stone after landing on a gravel strip, After dressing and blending the damaged area as per manufacturers maintenance manual, the blade thickness was just with in allowable tolerances by .003
The thickness and chord are the dimensions I was unable to find anywhere for this prop. Since the prop has had essentially zero dressing out at this point it wasn't a major concern, but I would like to find those numbers for future reference.