
Well Known Member
I've read some posts on the web about a Sensenich lightweight electric C/S prop that is being flight tested right now. Anybody have any knowledge of this?
They may be working on a composite electric C/S prop for Rotax engines. They recently came out with a very nice looking ground adjustable composite prop for Rotax engines. The market is there and they may be jumping into it.

It seems that Eggenfellner aircraft (subaru) is working on exactly what you describe. I think one of the flying Eggenfellner powered planes is currently flying/testing one (Tom Moore?).
I'd heard that they were thinking of offering 2, 3 and 4 blade versions for engines in the 160-250hp range. Can anyone get some photos from Tom Moore of his installation and any details? Or is this still top secret? I just plunked down a big chunk for an MT. :(
rv6ejguy said:
I'd heard that they were thinking of offering 2, 3 and 4 blade versions for engines in the 160-250hp range. Can anyone get some photos from Tom Moore of his installation and any details? Or is this still top secret? I just plunked down a big chunk for an MT. :(

Whatever it is, I hope it's a lot less than the MT. Quinti Avio now makes a 4-blade hub
that's good to 200hp, and Aerotek of NZ
makes a 4-blade version good to 220hp. Both come in adjustable pitch/electric CS

If Sensenich puts out something in this range, I'm set!
rv6ejguy said:
I've read some posts on the web about a Sensenich lightweight electric C/S prop that is being flight tested right now. Anybody have any knowledge of this?

Sensenich has been working on a two speed prop (not CS). It was suppose to come quite a while ago but it looks like it will be quite some time before it's out, if at all. It's based on their ground adjustible prop, al hub with a composite blade.

If you have any questions about Sensenich props call Ed Z at Sensenich. He's great to deal with.
I just spoke with Sensenich (composite division) in Fl. The 3 and 4 prop electric control cs props are real. Sensenich has delivered approx. 40 of the 3 blade and 20 of the 4 blade. They ain't cheap.
$9,995 for the 4 blade.
$8,895 for the 3 blade

and $895 for the electronic controller.

Ground adjustable blades are also available.

Tom Hanaway
Boynton Beach, FL
Here's a pic of Tom with his four blade Sensenich.


The prices posted above are correct from Sensenich and Eggenfellner. Quinti hub, and the controller was designed by one of the Egg guys, I think...
This is very encouraging news, except for the price. My engine was built with a solid crank so I'd be interesting in hearing some flight reports if/when they become available. Want to unleash the full potential of my RV without putting a new engine on there.

Not a bad looking prop either!
Too bad you Lyc boys can't use the electric in-flight adjustable composite Ivo Magnum prop. It works well with most "smooth running" alternative engine, like the Subi and Rotary. http://www.ivoprop.com/inflightmagnumodel.htm

The prop is claimed to be good to 700 hp, adjustable pitch between 45"-105", and diameters between 58" and 76", weight around 25 lbs.

2 blades: $2100, 3 blades: $2340, 6 blades: $3220
robertahegy said:
They may be working on a composite electric C/S prop for Rotax engines. They recently came out with a very nice looking ground adjustable composite prop for Rotax engines. The market is there and they may be jumping into it.

I'd like to see another offering for a US-made CS prop for the 912 and Jabiru engine class. Making the prop electric adjust would be good for retrofits to engines that don't have CS provisions.

The Sensenich composite ground-adjust prop for the 912 and Jabiru 3300 is getting good reviews, and the CS should be a good unit.
The 912 has provision for hydraulic C/S props as well a hollow redrive shaft for manually in-flight adjustable props as fitted to some CT aircraft.
Does anybody have any experience with the IVO prop and the electric governor they sell? I'm probably going to put an Egg H6 on my RV-7A and this prop looks pretty interesting.


Too bad you Lyc boys can't use the electric in-flight adjustable composite Ivo Magnum prop. It works well with most "smooth running" alternative engine, like the Subi and Rotary. http://www.ivoprop.com/inflightmagnumodel.htm

The prop is claimed to be good to 700 hp, adjustable pitch between 45"-105", and diameters between 58" and 76", weight around 25 lbs.

2 blades: $2100, 3 blades: $2340, 6 blades: $3220
Does anybody have any experience with the IVO prop and the electric governor they sell? I'm probably going to put an Egg H6 on my RV-7A and this prop looks pretty interesting.


I got my index finger amputated by one last fall....does that count?!? :)

To answer the rest of the question, one my techs just bought a 2 blade Ivo Magnum for his Rotec Radial. I guess it's an "OK" prop, but after being around all the other normal props, both them and Warp stuff are a little scary to me (and yes...I felt that way before my hand got caught in one). I guess they work ok on a lot of engines and have been around awhile so that must speak for something. But if it were me and I had a higher HP engine, I'd probably look at whatever Jan has been and is using. The MT and Sensenich stuff he uses are built more like what I'm used to seeing. If you get a chance to see the Ivos and Warps dissasembled and then compare them to the MT's and Sensenich/Quiti that Jan uses you'll find there is a world of difference. Probably not a huge deal at 80hp, but at 200hp....who knows!

Just my 2 cents as usual and it's just my personal opinion above - not professional. If I were installing a Subie, I'd use what Egg recommends - for all the debate that exists, he does have more experience than the rest of us when it comes to this stuff.

Does anybody have any experience with the IVO prop and the electric governor they sell? I'm probably going to put an Egg H6 on my RV-7A and this prop looks pretty interesting.


I've got 235 hours on an IVO Magnum with zero trouble. Takeoff and climb are impressive but I have a gut feeling that cruise is not as good as it would be with an MT. Is that extra potential 10 knots worth another $8K? Not for me. This thing is light too at only 27 lbs. which will help your C of G. I have no regrets for what I paid.

I don't have the C/S box on mine so I can't report on how well that works. I have a friend with a Magnum on his turbo Subie Glastar who just started flying a few weeks ago. I think he has the C/S box. I'll ask him how he likes it.

If you order one, be sure to get the 76 inch 3 blade 45-105 inch pitch range. The 30-90 is not suitable for an RV with your H6.

Stein is right, these things are very sharp. I did a Homer one day as I stood up quickly and really scraped my back on the tip. That did some serious damage.
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Thanks. Appreciated your replies. I'm just at the beginning stages of getting a feel for what's on the market: engine-, prop- and everything-wise :)