Doesn't surprise me

Being in the audio business and in fact working as an acoustical engineer for a direct competitor to Sennheiser's core products (not the aviation headsets product line) I can tell you that for a big company like them the volumes for aviation headsets are tiny. Miniscule in fact. Too many competitors and not enough customers. They sell many, many times more regular hi-fi headphones to consumers. I've tried S1 digital and it's a well designed headset but Bose already has a very strong position with regards to the small amount of sales potential that exists for high end aviation headsets.

I wonder if the new wireless headsets from Lightspeed for $800.00 till the end of the year influenced their decision to withdraw from the market?
doubt it

I think they probably just looked at the amount of revenue and sales versus the development cost, promotion, etc. Have you seen their booth at Airventure? They definitely spent a lot of money promoting their products, especially the S1 but my guess is it just wasn't making money.

That's disappointing. I love my Senheiser headset. It's my first an only one though, so I don't have much to compare to.