
Well Known Member
Has anyone had success sending a flight plan to a GPS175 from ForeFlight. The capability appears to be there and I have no problem connecting the 175 to my IPad via Bluetooth using connex. I am sure there is something very simple I am missing. I have no issues sending a flight plan to the Dynon HDX. That however uses WiFi.
I have the GNX 375. It works great with ForeFlight back and forth either way. In ForeFlight, go to devices and connect your 175 unit. After that you should connect automatically.
I have done that. When I select the option to uplink to the panel it sends it to the HDX but not the 175. Is there a different method required to send to the 175 I am missing?
Edit: Reread your post and I was only connecting the 175 via Bluetooth in the iPad settings. Found the devices tab in foreflight and hope that fixes it. Will test tomorrow!
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Foreflight & Garmin

George - Did you get this to work? I'm having a similar issue with my GNC 355. I am running Foreflight - connected to my 355 via Bluetooth. Foreflight is also connected to my Dynon HDX via wifi. When I do a "transfer to panel" in Foreflight, only the HDX is receiving it. If I change a flight plan in the Garmin 355, it sends it to Foreflight - so I know the 355 and Foreflight are connecting. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.......
Make sure that Flight Plan Import is enabled on the Connext setup page.


The flight plan import on the navigator side is not automatic. You have to select the flashing MSG button then preview and activate the imported flight plan.

He already answered your question and the pic shows the proper setup. I will mention that mine has been inconsistent. Sometimes for reasons I don’t know I have to turn my iPad off and back on to get it to function properly. You need to watch for the message prompt when you send the flight plan. I think it goes away after a period of time.
He already answered your question and the pic shows the proper setup. I will mention that mine has been inconsistent. Sometimes for reasons I don’t know I have to turn my iPad off and back on to get it to function properly. You need to watch for the message prompt when you send the flight plan. I think it goes away after a period of time.

Second/third the above suggestions. It's easy to think that it's not working.. check for the flashing MSG and you may need to click it to important.

If all else fails, write to [email protected] and explain what's happening. If you want to be one step ahead, go to More > Devices, and triple tap the word Devices at the top of the screen. Send the resulting log file to the above address. This will confirm that FF is doing the sending and not logging any errors.

I send flight plans regularly from my iPad/iPhone to the GNC 355 without issue.
thank you & update

Hi Guys - thank you for the comments & suggestions.

I went out to the hangar and powered up the HDX and 355 after reading Steve's post and double checked my settings - yes, they were correct. I also made sure in ForeFlight and the 355 that they were connected. I did a "send to panel" in FF, the 355 "msg" started flashing - It worked, YEA! Also tried xfer from 355 to FF, that worked too (that xfer did before). I did this several times both ways. No issues - I am a very happy guy and went home!

I built my flight plan in FF to fly the Chicago lakefront flyway, and the following day went to the airport. Yep - Murphy's law - the plan would not transfer into the 355. I tried several times, no messages..... I closed FF & relaunched, cycled power in the 355, (I did not try rebooting the iPad as George suggested - I should have...) Oh well, the Mrs. & I did have a great time doing the flyway, a beautiful flying day.

The only thing I can think of different - when in the hangar, the 330ES xponder was off, no GPS signal (door was closed), strobe was off.

So, I am going to do what SPX suggests, and see what Team FF has to say. I will also try rebooting the iPad as George suggested, next time I am at the hangar.
Thank you all again;
I built my flight plan in FF to fly the Chicago lakefront flyway, and the following day went to the airport. Yep - Murphy's law - the plan would not transfer into the 355. I tried several times, no messages..... I closed FF & relaunched, cycled power in the 355, (I did not try rebooting the iPad as George suggested - I should have...) Oh well, the Mrs. & I did have a great time doing the flyway, a beautiful flying day.

When it failed to work, did you have the Send To Panel icon showing in ForeFlight Mobile, on the Map page, with the FPL button pressed?
When it failed to work, did you have the Send To Panel icon showing in ForeFlight Mobile, on the Map page, with the FPL button pressed?

Yes -
I'm not at the hanger to confirm, but this is how I remember it: There is an icon on the top row of FF, I press it and a pop-up appears on top of the map. The pop-up has two buttons, one says "send to panel", other says "receive from panel". I push the "send to panel" button. The Dynon HDX acknowledges receipt of the flight plan being sent with a voice command. The Garmin 355 navigator acknowledges receipt of the flight plan (when this is working) by flashing the "msg" button, which I then have to press, and accept.

When I do a 'send to panel", the HDX has always received the flight plan (new installation, so I am guessing, around 50 times total, over different days). I only got the 355 to work one night in the hangar. That night, I did several send/receives to the 355. It worked just fine that night.

Also note - when I am doing transfers to the panel, FF is sending it to both the HDX (via wifi) and Garmin (via BlueTooth). I confirmed Foreflight was connected by looking at the FF devices screen. I also confirmed in the 355 by looking at the paired devices screen. And Foreflight is using the GPS in the 355 - so they are definitely connected.

I'm planning to go flying tomorrow, so I will try again. I am going to reboot the iPad and see if that helps. If that doesn't help, I will create a log file and send to team foreflight, like you suggested earlier.
Thank you;
My memory was off, the icon is where Carl says it should be in newer versions of FF.

I am running 12.10.1 of ForeFlight, on a 9.7" iPad Pro with 128 GB, 79 GB free, running 14.2

On Saturday before engine start, I transferred the flight plan from FF to the panel. Transferred OK to the HDX, not to the 355. I cycled power to the iPad, did not help. I tried again after engine start, no joy. All times, I made sure the iPad and 355 were connected. After run up, I tried one more time, and the transfer worked! I flew down to St. Louis and followed the river north, past the arch - got a great picture, which I will post.

I am going to write Team ForeFlight and see what they have for suggestions to make this transfer more reliable. I will post what I find out.
Thank you;
Update - info from Team ForeFlight

I emailed Team Foreflight concerning my issue sending flight plans to my 355. They were very responsive and had me try a few things.

FF support stated - "...when you send a route from ForeFlight Mobile to a connected panel device, it should only go to 1 destination and you can't specify the destination....."

So, the times FF sent the FLP to both my Dynon HDX and my Garmin GNC 355 - it was a fluke.

They also stated - "as we've seen more people install more mixed & elaborate panel configurations we've had ongoing discussions internally about updating the app to allow you to select/designate the destination for flight plan transfers...."

I also learned from FF support -
If you have a FLP in the 355 - In FF, tap More > Devices > Connext, then scroll down to the Route area, the FPL route that is in the 355 is displayed. If you tap on the route, it loads the route into FF FPL. It is only a 1-way "pull" from the panel (eg: gets the route from the 355). I did not try, but it probably also works with the Dynon wi-fi connection too.

If I turn OFF Wi-Fi (no longer connected to Dynon), FF will send the FPL to the 355 consistently - so there is a work around.
As soon as I turn Wi-Fi back ON, FF will no longer send to the 355 (but FF will still "pull" from the 355). It appears that the Wi-Fi destination (to Dynon) takes precedent over Bluetooth (to Garmin 355).

I hope this information is helpful.
Thank you to everyone who commented.
I put this to the test today and it explains the issues most of us have been having. 100% success by loading the flight plan to the Dynon HDX with WiFi and then turning WiFi off on the IPad and sending it again. The Garmin 175 picked it up every time this way. Takes a couple extra seconds but a huge improvement over manually loading!