Steve Brown

Well Known Member
I've though about selling my 9A and getting a 7/A or an 8/A , or even something entirely different. I like my airplane, but I always seem to be shopping for my next one.

I have good "reasons", which my wife never seems to completely understand:eek:

One problem is that in this economy the dollar value of my airplane or the one I might buy is very unclear.

However, I think the relative value between different types of airplanes, with their differing equipment, etc, is still relatively clear to pilots.

So I'm thinking that if I want something else before the end of this recession I should make a trade.

I'm curious what others are thinking of this.
I say hold... you said why yourself:

One problem is that in this economy the dollar value of my airplane or the one I might buy is very unclear.

The economy will bounce back... if you still want to sell, do it then. Don't take a hit on it now though unless you can find someone that will pay what you want for it. If that is the case, then you might make out pretty good if you can find another plane with someone trying to dump it cheap because of the economy.
Prices are down... along with the purchase price of your next aircraft.

I've been following prices closely for years. I've recently put my building on hold and am leaning toward buying an RV. All single engine aircraft prices seem to be shrinking across the board. If you're selling to buy another aircraft or trading for another aircraft then I think you should rest easy... the price of the aircraft you want is down. If you're selling to get out of aircraft ownership for a while then only time will tell what the future will hold (whether aircraft and the US$ is up or down.)

Unfortunately for some of us the hangar space hasn't freed up yet.


I would like to offer different opinion. Good airplane always keeps its real value and it reflects the price. And nothing sells better than thing made for yourself. There are different breed of buyers to buy these things and you will be one of them after you sell your bird. A good friend of mine was looking to buy a while ago and could not find what he wanted. Decided to wait untill sellers minds settle.
Global Economy Question? Nobody knows the answer. Household Micro Economy Questions? That's another story we are able to answer honestly to ourselves. Sell it.