John Courte

Well Known Member
With regard to the pilot operating a camera in the cockpit while flying, in the context of the FARs that govern our operations:

Is it legal or is it not?

I just got barked at in the comments on my blog for daring to post a picture of myself in flight, and the pics in question were shot by my wife/pax. Sounds like Internet troll noise, but I'd like to know the actual policy/reg.

I read somewhere that it's prohibited for airline pilots, but I don't know if that's company policy or FARs.
Some people take themselves WAY too seriously, and think they are not only experts but enforcers of their view of how the world should be.

I guess you could ask what specific FAR they think prohibits such things, but why waste your energy proving they're wrong? I'd ignore (and probably delete) any such comments, but that's just me.
Were You Chewing Gum at the Same Time?

No regulations on pictures, eating, etc. On the other hand, I believe Part 135 pilots are prohibited from relieving themselves if the flight is single pilot (just kidding). On the other hand, I kind of stomped on a student pilot who took videos and selfies of his first solo cross country. No regulations. Just a combination of Aeronautical Decision Making and common sense.
Terry, CFI
It's legal even if you're an airline pilot in some situations.

I know this case in Colorado has gotten all the attention on this question. Would be more instructive if more attention were paid to his decision to fly VFR in the conditions that existed at the time.

BTW, I'm pretty bored with selfies and selfie video. Point the camera out the window, people!
I read where some airline pilot got in trouble for posting pics taken with his cell phone. It was because using a cell phone or other non-blessed electronic device is prohibited in the cockpit in flight. Article said that pics taken with a stand alone camera would have been OK. That's airline/125/135 sterile cockpit regs. Does not apply to Part 91 ops that we fly under.
Nothing in part 91 to my knowledge, as has been stated.

Quite a while back the Army imposed restrictions, basically "No crewmember will operate any photographic equipment (still or motion) in an aircraft while performing crewmember duties..."

I'd have to review 121/135, but of course any operator can add such a restriction.

I have no comment about it, but it sounds like you got the typical internet expert schooling you on something they know nothing about.
I read where some airline pilot got in trouble for posting pics taken with his cell phone. It was because using a cell phone or other non-blessed electronic device is prohibited in the cockpit in flight. Article said that pics taken with a stand alone camera would have been OK. That's airline/125/135 sterile cockpit regs. Does not apply to Part 91 ops that we fly under.

True statement. A camera with wifi capability becomes a PED (personal electronic device) and then falls into the forbidden category. However our company iPads are EFBs for the purpose of flight so long as the wifi is disabled, but becomes a PED and rhus not legal if cell/wifi is turned on.

The rule making beaurocracy cannot keeping up with technology.
I think we're all agreed that taking selfies with a cell phone camera in situations of high pilot workload, questionable environmental conditions, and higher-risk phases of flight is a stellar example of a bad idea.

Common sense is pretty much the guide, which is as it should be, instead of written regs. Thanks for all the helpful info, especially the one about payment for services rendered via nontraditional means in flight. :D

If I ever have to start wearing ties again, I'm going to re-evaluate my more recent life decisions.