
Well Known Member
OK, the title is long but I didn't want to bother non RV-8 builders. The -8 is short on panel space and space behind the panel.

I'm interesting in how and where people are mounting "remotable" components.

If at all possible, pictures would be GREATLY appreciated as I'm one of those "spatial thinkers" and textual descriptions relegate me to the short bus :eek:
For what it's worth...

Dynon, two radios, Icom & PS com/audio panel. Icom is full size, PS is short, with remote radio unit. To left are auxillary trim switch, ELT switch, and fuel pump switch. To right are PMag switches, master, panel lighting, dimmer, defog switch and master. Even had room for the map box.

The remote transponder is on the rear battery tray similar to akarmy, I mounted my battery on the firewall.

Behind panel, EMS about the middle of the picture, PS remote radio and Dynon backup battery to the right, mounted on access door from baggage compartment.

Baggage access door open, also holds dimmer and stall warning circuit boards

ADAHRS mounted in front of tail,. There is an access panel to get to it.

View of EMS mounting

ELT is behind (normal) rear baggage compartment. Actually I extended the rear baggage one more bulkhead for really light or long items.

Have fun...

Rear avionics bay by akarmy, on Flickr

My rear avionics bay is located in the rear battery location in front of the elevator bellcrank.

This is similar to what I have / will be doing. Currently my ELT resides behind the baggage bulkhead, but I want to add the transponder and the ADS-B receiver, and possibly a remote comm. I'm a bit concerned about W&B effects, but on the other hand, I rarely if ever carry baggage that doesn't fit in the forward compartment.