
Active Member
Hiya all,

I hoping someone has a copy of the build instructions in Excel or Word that I can use to type in my build log.

If you do please email to jim.tatlock (at) bigpond.com

Thanks in advance!

Hi Jim,
This might be your best option.

more info

Vans will send you a CD with the instructions and plans on it.
For the RV12 built as ELSA you do not have to keep a conventional build log to prove you built it and the 51%.

What many have done is to simply initial each step in the plans when you complete it and sign and date each page when every item on the page is complete. I would put a sticky note tab on any page with an intentionally skipped task. The plans themselves are your best build log. Also, you can take pictures of the build that clearly show you doing various tasks.

A simple excel file will let you track hours. I kept one of those where I wrote down my hours each day, assigned against the applicable sub-kit. Not that it was "needed," just wanted to keep track.

Some people do a build BLOG with every single page of the plans tracked. Lotsa work to do that.
Some people do a build BLOG with every single page of the plans tracked. Lotsa work to do that.
You got that right! On the other hand, I find it very useful for going back and getting a look at things that are now very hard to physically see.
Im In Australia so I do need to have a log. I have been doing the initial as I go with date and time. But will need to transpose into a book when finished for registration.

Jim, I use Kitlog. http://www.kitlog.com/ It does a good job, and you can print a hardcopy report at the end if needed. My AP only needed to see evidence that I had a kept a log. He didn't need to see a printed version. I'm VH, but if you're going RAAus, perhaps you do need a hardcopy. I don't know.
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