Lt Dan

Well Known Member
Hi Folks!

I'm in the Air Force and just moved from Texas to Tucson. I called around and the hangar situation around here is akin to $200 a month for a three-sided open faced hangar at KTUS. :mad: (Right now my RV-4 is still back in Texas where I share part of a (real) hangar for $150 a month.)

I'm definitely looking to keep that kind of a deal going here in the Tucson area if I can.

I figured I'd shoot a feeler out on here to see if anyone knows of someone looking for a good RV-4 hangar-mate. Please let me know - I'll promise to keep the hangar fridge stocked with beer!




Welcome to Tucson. I am Hangared at TIA in T-hangars next to the AZANG. These are single plane hangars that go for $275/mo. Older T's on the other side go for a bit less. The larger hangars behind the old tower can fit two RV's go for ~$550/mo. You might want to ask around the GA guys with the larger hangars if they have some room. TIA is a secure airport so you might not get in solo without an escort. I typically fly my RV every weekend and I would be glad to show you around. We have 6+ RV's at TIA, mostly retired military guys. I can help make the introductions.

Ryan airport is another option might be a bit cheaper but further out of town.

I will send you a PM with my phone number.