Kato's 8

Well Known Member
I Think I might be almost ready to rivit on my canopy skirts...finally! Most folks I know however have taken the Sika adhesive route and so Im posting this before I jump to it.
First, Any warnings for drilling out the cs4-4 pop rivits that were used to hold canopy in place during the fitting of the skirt process? Im concerned that the pop rivit will spin or something and then ILL have greater difficulty getting it out. I also know I may need to push the back end of rivit free into the frame tube. How best should that be done?
Second, Should I use weather adhesive along top inside lip before I rivit or can a bead be applied after along the edge? What do most rivited canopy to skirt builds have??
Any advice will be appreciated.
Well zero responses to my questions but I did answer one for myself that I can share for anyone who may need it. When it comes to drilling out these pop rivits I found that using a spring loaded center punch works wonders. Need to be sure its centered on the stem. I was afraid it might strain the canopy and crack but I didn't experience any issue. Only a couple rivits spun in the hole but running a smaller drill bit thru those worked with the help of punch pin. Canopy comes off fine with just the rivet heads removed and then the rivet bodys can be drilled down and punched into the frame.

I still don't know about applying any weather adhesive before riveting on the skirts but Ive decided to rivet them on without any and live with the consequences.
Pop Rivet Removal.

Sorry no one got back to you. Looks like you did ok. The secret to dilling those out I have found is a light pressure on the drill eating into the rivet slowly. Light pressure seams the help prevent the rivet from spinning. As the canopy I can't comment as I have gone 100% with Sikaflex for the canopy, skirt and windscreen.
Rivet skirt

Bill, I think the reason you have had low response is because most everyone had done it different ways. Lots of ways to skin that cat and what one does and succeeds with might not work again.
Knowing this I'll say what I did. I used Skia adhesive and clamps to bond the canopy to the frame. I made a drill guide to drill though the canopy into one side of the steel frame all around about 6 inches apart. I mounted the frame with canopy to the fuselage.
I fitted the skirts to the canopy and drilled the skirts using a blind hole guide in those same said holes. I then used extra long clecos I special ordered to fit through the skirt, through the canopy and into one side of the steel frame.
I counter sunk the holes in the skirt that were not at the canopy. I then used Skia adhesive between the shirt and canopy and clamped it tight fit with the long clecos and pull rivetted the skirts into the frame below the canopy edge.
After the Skia set good (about 3-4 days) I removed the clecos and filled those holes and over the top of the rivets with micro balls. All tight and slick.
I do not have a single rivet that goes through either my canopy or wind screen. Less chance of cracks and strong as can be. If I can be of help contact me either PM or call 478-731-9678. Good Luck, Bill "Bluebird" RV-8A