
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
As always, I am wearing a number of different hats at Airventure next week (which really starts with travel this week....), so I am frequently on the run to meet schedules. But One thing I DO know is where I'll be when I am doing forums - so stop by and say hello - I always love to tag up with VAF'ers....

Monday, 1430 - Homebuilder's Hangar - Flight Testing 101
Thursday , 1300 - Forum Stage 8 - Shuttle, Houston

I can also sometimes be found at the Kitplanes booth in Building A, and will be at the usual RV social functions, as well as hanging occasionally at the HBC Pavillion (can't miss corn on Wednesday!). I am also doing some panel discussions and safety work during the week for EAA - keep an eye on the schedule!
Flight Testing 101...Awesome!

Hi Paul,

I unfortunately will not make it to OSH this year. But, for and exciting reason! I plan to have first flight of my RV7 within the next few weeks. :)

I would like to say, "thanks" to you and all others involved in last year's Flight Testing 101 classes. The material and excellent presentations, coupled with the Red Bird Sims and a CFI seated next to me, was very educational. I had planned to perform my RV7 first flight solo. A year later....I've made provisions to utilize the Additional Pilot Program instead. Flight Testing 101 contributed to this decision.

I highly recommend Flight Testing 101 to anyone nearing flight of their project. It's a very worthwhile opportunity to participate.

Thanks again and have a great OSH 2023!