
Active Member
While drilling my rear HS spar and doubler, I secured it to the drill press using bar clamps with the flanges supporting the spar:


Is it possible to damage the flanges or web of the spar this way? It is not easy to support it with blocks since there are clecos protruding under it. The clamp force is not too great, but I am wondering if it is flexing or stressing the metal.
Drill press

I doubt it hurt anything but why not just drill it on the bench with a hand drill. Holes are prepunched. A reamer will make a perfect hole.
If you're careful you can probably get away with this, but I'd personally put some kind of backing behind the spar. Remember that you can match-drill right into a piece of plywood or MDF and it will hold a cleco.

Also, maybe the 14 is different, but I don't recall using a drill press for this step on my RV-7. Maybe consider the option of using a handheld drill?
[edit: Larry beat me to it]
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That setup is really an unnecessary exercise of frustration and not as "accurate" as you might think.
I will definitely consider the comments. I found that the DP provides a nice hole.

If there was damage would it be apparent? I don't see anything obvious. The spar is 0.063" so it is pretty thick. What should I look for?