
Hi all,

Can someone please take a look at Section 9 page 8 and tell me what it says in Figure 1 in the lower right hand corner. There are two arrows pointing at the drawing in the lower right hand corner, one to a zoom view and the other to the stabilator skin.
Last night, while wrestling with the blue plastic on the inside of the skin, I accidentally placed some of that wonderful gaffer/duct tape used in shipping on my plans. When I removed the tape, it took that text with it!


Mark Misage

I just looked at the drawing again and it says match-drill 2 places above the drawing.What I am missing is the text in the lower right of the drawing pointing to the zoom view of the inboard edge of the HS skin.

Mark Misage
Thanks for the copy Joe! And thanks again for the help Mark. I will be more careful with the tape in the future as I do battle with the blue plastic!
Mark we're pretty much at the same stage in the build as I'll probably be working on half rivetting the skins tomorrow ready for inspection and I can't decide should I leave the blue stuff on the external surfaces until a lot later in the build or remove it all now?

I used the correct tool in the squeezer for the 470 rivets this time and only drilled 6 out as I wasn't happy with them!!

As for the plans I 'borrowed' works photocopier and have a set for the work shop that I put in clear plastic wallets and the originals are in the house that seems to work pretty well for me. Also paid for my wings and fuselage yesterday (pound/dollar exchange rate could have been better) and they should ship in the next few days although I guess the lead time via the sea will be around a month so plenty of time to finish the empennage kit....... Or at least that's the plan.
Hi all,

Last night, while wrestling with the blue plastic on the inside of the skin, I accidentally placed some of that wonderful gaffer/duct tape used in shipping on my plans. When I removed the tape, it took that text with it!


Mark Misage

Sorry Mark, but that is a first, and it's funny! :D

I will drill the hinges tomorrow and perhaps even skin the HS. I did the soldering iron on the outside along the rivet lines and will keep the blue stuff on until the riveting is done. I will then take all of it off and store it inside the house because the shiny aluminum just looks so cool! I took all of the blue off the finished pieces and they look like art. Maybe I am just rationonlizing because I am considering storing the tail cone (when finished) in the family room as a bit of modern industrial art!:)

I ordered the wing kit a couple of weeks ago in the hope that it will be here by summer vacation since I am a teacher and will have some time available to work on the plane.

Thanks for the update and I will keep track of your build on your blog.
