
Well Known Member

I know there have been other threads on the cowl and the spinner clearance, but my question is a little different.

This step requires you to match-drill four holes in the forward spinner bulkhead. The picture on the prededing page seems to show four pre-existing holes in the bulkhead flange, so I just expected to drill through the fibreglass into the existing holes. But the holes don't exist....

So, have others found and used existing holes, or just gone ahead and drilled away?

If not, is there any specific location where the holes should be drilled? The plans are a bit vague on the specific location, which led me to believe the holes should already be there in the metal.

Final question - do these backplates need to be primed? Painted?

I would not paint the backing plates.

If the holes are not there I would drill 4 evenly spaced holes in the bulkhead first (90 degree apart) and use the "light method" to find them and drill through the fiberglass.