
Well Known Member
Good Morning,

I just received my engine kit and the plans were included as usual. I noted the photos were in black and white.

If you download and print the section 46 drawings from Van's web site, the photos will be in color.

The pages with photos are: 46-02 - 40-06, 46-08, 46-09, 46-12, 46-13.

Note that 46-12 and 46-14 have since been revised so check the dates on the drawings.

I think the color photos are a little easier to read.
Good Morning,

I just received my engine kit and the plans were included as usual. I noted the photos were in black and white.

If you download and print the section 46 drawings from Van's web site, the photos will be in color.

The pages with photos are: 46-02 - 40-06, 46-08, 46-09, 46-12, 46-13.

Note that 46-12 and 46-14 have since been revised so check the dates on the drawings.

I think the color photos are a little easier to read.

I'm missing it somewhere: where on Van's site are these plans downloadable? I've dug around but I'm still not locating the area you mention. Many thanks.
Go to the Van's site, Hit Support/Revisions, Hit RV-12, on bottom of page click on page 2 of revisions.

About 1/3 of the way down on the list is the complete file for section 46.

Good Luck.