
Active Member
Hi Folks,

Hoping someone knows the answer to this. In section 35is when assembling the main tires, you are referred to section 35Gis for the premium breaks. 35GiS refers you back to 35iS to install the gear legs. Then on page (I think 4) 35iS has you install the axels and align with shims. This step isn't in 35GiS and I am not clear if I should be skipping to 35GiS and just installing the axels according to the premium instructions or which steps from 35iS I do first before going to 35GiS. Again question is specific to installing the axels.

Thanks in advance,
Need to align the axles

I'm in the middle of the same thing. I have the axles on with brake torque plates on, per the instructions for the Grove wheels. I assume that I will need to remove the torque plates and perform the alignment once I have the legs on the fuselage. I can't believe the Grove brakes will eliminate the need to align the wheels!!

I also had an issue with the hole in the axle for the cotter pin for the axle nut - it was not drilled & no instructions to do so. Van's support indicated that he was surprised that the Grove brakes were shipping & I was caught by an error in the instructions for the Grove brakes and no Wheel pants. He sent me the RV-10 instructions - I also notice that the nose wheel contains the instructions for drilling the axles for the cotter pin.

Bottom line - looks like the Grove brakes have not been out long enough to have all the bugs worked out. You might ask your question to support & see what they say.
Thank you for sharing this. I attached the gear legs first and haven't looked at the cotter pin yet. I sent support an email also, hopefully will hear tomorrow.

It's been several months so I don't remember the specific order of all the details. However, the general approach I took is to read through and be familiar with 35GiS. (as this contains all the Grove specific information) Then work your way through 35iS. Whenever you get to an instruction that's covered by 35GiS, that takes precedence over 35iS.

So in this case, install the axles per 35GiS. Then align per the instructions in 35iS.

madmax may have a better solution below...
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I answered this on the facebook page, Vans support told me to use the grove procedure to check the alignment as it is easy and accurate, mine was toed out both sides the shims corrected it. it was a little squerlly on the high speed taxi tests with the tow out. by the way the grove brakes once beaded in are powerful.
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I answered this on the facebook page, Vans support told me to use the grove procedure to check the alignment as it is easy and accurate, mine was toed out both sides the shims corrected it. it was a little squerlly on the high speed taxi tests with the tow out. by the way the grove brakes once beaded in are powerful.

Is this the Grove procedure?
Screen Shot 2022-12-11 at 9.38.47 PM.png
Found at https://www.groveaircraft.com/accessories.html

I hadn't seen this before. I used Van's method given in 35iS and that indicated no shimming was needed. This looks easy enough I may recheck just to verify.