OK, we need some attention to detail buffs in on this one. I ran off revision 2 and compared it to revision 1, after 15 minutes I have failed to find what (if anything) was changed! Has anyone else figured this out? Looks like Vans could tell us what changed, since I assembled mine to revision one, what do I have to do to update to revision 2?
So, what did they send us; AN6-24's, AN6-24A's, or AN6-23A's??
The parts inventory says AN6-24's. I may have missed that minor detail on inventory, and I don't recall it being a drilled bolt, when I installed it.
Whatever was sent is installed and seemed to tighten up okay!
I'm sure that if this was really a problem, with our installation of the gear legs, we would have gotten a change notice, or, a mod to do.
I think that this is a "do nothing" item for us builders.

I certainly agree that if Van is going to the trouble of publishing a change, it is no more work to add the item changed note in sheet data block.

"Back in the day" when the plans were hand drawn by Van, changes were noted.

Dick Sipp
RV-12 mentor
I don't think the change is showing a drilled bolt. There is no cotter pin depicted and AN6-23A is avaliable undrilled. Mine is assembled and I don't see any reason to change it.
My Understanding

My Understanding is:
The "A" represents undrilled bolts.
The lack of the "A" means that it is a drilled bolt
The original bolt in the plans was a drilled AN6. There was never a cotter pin that was installed. Must be a change to an "A" so there is no cotter pin needed. The other may have caused confusion as it was installed with a nylon locknut and no pin.