
Well Known Member
I need some confirmation that you do in fact countersink the fuse side skins above the baggage door and other side respectively, for a rivet head and you rivet to the longerons. Seems like the countersink on a .025 skin would not leave enough material to hold the skin to the longeron. See attached picture, step 8 and the text in the diagram. I've already countersink the 3 holes in the skin and shim that will be sandwiched under the emp top skin and that made more sense.

Only reason I can think why they have you do it is because the rest of the side skins are riveted in section 29 so it would be impossible to counrersink the longeons without pulling out some rivets but I'd think I should be able to countersink for most of the holes along the longeron by bending the longeron up or down to clear the skin for the drill.
I did countersink the mid fuse side skins above the baggage door and also on the opposite side as there was no way to dimple and countersink. I did rivet using the dash 3 rivets and worked out well. Hope I did it right:)

I will add that I did this just last weekend and I did feel that there was enough meat left after countersinking to sufficiently rivet the skin to the longeron.
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Ok, I'll move forward with the countersinking on the skins. I was extra hesitant since I messed up twice in the build where I countersunk parts that shouldn't have and one of the replacements required 20 hours extra since it was really buried before I caught it for replacement.