
Well Known Member
Section 21-2 Step 2 calls for riveting the F-1224-L & R baggage floors to the F-1204D center section/aft bulkhead using AN470AD rivets but says to use two thin flush sets in a hand squeezer.

My question for those who have gone before me is two fold. Is there any reason a hand squeezer NEEDS be used as opposed to using a pneumatic squeezer?

Secondly, is there a good reason why two thin flat sets are called for as opposed to the typical - flat set to form the shop head and a cupped set on the head of 470 rivets?

Suggestions and clarifications appreciated.
It is a tight fit and difficult to get a straight shot on these rivets - especially with a cupped-head set on one side. The use of two thin flat sets allows you to squeeze the rivets without them being directly centered on the sets. Evaluate each rivet position and use the set that seems to give the best access for squeezing. As the plans say, a slight flattening of the round head is OK.
It is a tight fit and difficult to get a straight shot on these rivets - especially with a cupped-head set on one side. The use of two thin flat sets allows you to squeeze the rivets without them being directly centered on the sets. Evaluate each rivet position and use the set that seems to give the best access for squeezing. As the plans say, a slight flattening of the round head is OK.

David is exactly right.
I had some problems getting a straight shot at these rivets. I would strongly recommend getting someone to help align the rivet tool.
Thanks guys ?. did a test fit of the parts today prior to priming and now understand the challenge at hand.
As I recall, this is one of the areas where I applied some tape to the exterior areas of my squeezer to avoid scratching the skin and floor surfaces.