Active Member
Hi All,
Working on my Outboard leading edges and about to dimple the skins. Before doing the edges that attach to the spar, I?m wondering: ?Should i put a slight bend on the skins using the edge roller tool??

In Section 16 they have you do this for the top forward edge of the skins. But in Seciton 17 there is no mention of the same for the Leading edge skins that will be attached to the main spar.

Maybe at this point they think I should just know to do this?
Have you all done this?

Rich K
Wouldn't hurt to do it to match the other surface. Hopefully you rolled the edges ever so slightly so the dimples don't become to evident.
I had this question as well. Section 18 for the tanks calls for the aft edge to be broken. Section 17 doesn?t mention it.
Feedback from the Mothership

I fired off a note to Van?s support asking them also.
Sterling sent a very clear response that i really appreciated:
?Any and all edges like this should be bent to create a tight joint, it?s not critical for the structure but is best for an aesthetically pleasing finished product. In the beginning the instructions to break the edges on parts like this is specifically called out, once you get to the wing specific instructions that are ?common practice? on sheet metal disappear.?

If you?ve already dimpled the skin then you can still break the edge with duck bill pliers. Slide the edge of the pliers until they are just up to the aft base of the dimple and Gently break the edge a little at a time. Use a straight edge before you start to see how much you have bent the edge as your go.