
I am not sure if I got these on correctly and need help before I continue with the tail skin assembly. I marked both parts when I seperated them but must have wiped off the sharpie number during priming them. So...looking at the bulkhead bracket from the side, is there a slight taper down toward the stabilator, of the hinge bracket? Does anyone have a picture from the side of the bracket attached to the bulkhead for me to compare? Thanks, Keith:eek:
Need more info


It would be helpful to have the page number, and part numbers of what you are inquiring about. Are you maintaining build log? Do you have pictures?

I'll try to help if you can be more specific.

Part #

The part number is F-1211C-R & L Hinge brackets. This is on page 10-03 figure 5. Thanks again for the support. Keith
I got it!

:)Thanks for the help guys. That was fast and right on the money! After a close look and comparison of both Mitch's and John's pictures I was able to see that I did have it correct. Nice to be assured and leave nothing to chance. Thanks again guys. Keith