mike newall

Well Known Member
So, with a change of direction 3 years ago, the RV8 project was sold, 2 12 kits were bought to satisfy my fly buddy's desire to build an aeroplane. He can't get a medical but is a good Engineer and bike racer etc.

The two were built side by side until late '18 when we had to progress one to completion. That one flew last fall, which left us plenty of time to finish #2.

As always, things get in the way and time goes on, but we got it together today and under mostly cloudy skies, the second one flew.

Straight out of the blocks, only snag was a dodgy connector on the oil pressure sender, quickly re connected after flight 1.

About 2 hours done today, 3 left to do, with a 2 hour endurance flight and flight test flight to do. We do 5 hours and 15 landings in the UK with a final test flight.

Once again, just blown away by how well it flew, all the services worked, most of the second hour were on the autopilot as we sipped champagne and shucked oysters.......kidding :D

Only snag left is a high egt on the right side which I will take onto the specific forum.

I visited the Mothership last month and caught up with the wonderful ladies we all deal with. A great trip with extra benefits and trips out to the Evergreen Museum and the wonderful WAAAM Museum at Hood River.

We are fortunate to be involved with such great aeroplanes and people. Now cracking on with a 14 and a 10........

Retirement at Christmas will help move things on :D

Any homebuilt aeroplane is the same.

The aeroplanes get a lot of inspection during the build, a massive inspection prior to first flight, so the theory is the fly off should be relatively straight forward.

We need

Min 5 hours

One 2 hour endurance flight

15 landings

A flight test of a gross weight 5 min timed climb, followed by stalls, clean and dirty, Vne dive, balked landings, other system checks and get your ticket.