
Well Known Member
What would you build or own if you could have a second airplane to share your hanger with your RV.

Or, What do you already have to complement your RV? And how do you use both airplanes?

My RV8, 'Borrowed Horse' flys locally and cross country. Lunch trips and as faraway as the Bahamas. The Tach shows about 740. First Flight was 07-17-2007

'Shooter' my home built Super Cub, flys to local farm strips. It hauls the guns for trap shooting, and plinking. No shooting here at Hicks airport. It has taken us to Idaho many times, The San Juan Islands, Oshkosh, and hundreds of fun camping places. It will be 14 years old next year. Cruses 90 knots. The tach is nearing 840 hours. 31" Bush Wheels, 180hp. O-360 A1M

1976 C180J, 'Paul Revere' has taken the Super Cubs place as our Camping airplane. It is a 130 Knot airplane. Uses a lot of gas so it mostly gets used for camping trips, not joy rides. Really love the utility of a Sky Wagon. I have nearly 700 hours on it in 9 years.

The Super Cub should go,,, but every time I think about selling, I get sick in the stomach. Guess it will have to stay around.
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The Super Cub should go,,, but every time I think about selling, I get sick in the stomach. Guess it will have to stay around.

You don't want to sell the Cub Jay - Shooter needs to come out west and live with us - then it'll be positioned for you to make quick and easy trips to fun places! We promise to take good care of it while you're not here.... :) (Hangar walls are going up this week)

Second Plane? Well....the RV-3 is a great second to any two-seater. But it will quickly become your favorite!
I have a share in a Piper Dakota that is my "station wagon" for hauling people. I just bought a -8 to build as my "sports car".

Can't wait to get started building. Got to clean garage now......
Same as you Jay, an experimental SuperCub that I switch from 29" Bushwheels to amph. in the summer. I've got 600hrs on mine since summer of 2006. Mostly for local hops, actually should have left it on Bushwheels this summer as I only have two water landings. Usually most of my SuperCub flying ocurrs with floats.
I did get a few cross countries in the RV-10 before selling it and plan (hopefully) to do much more in the RV-14 once complete. Hopefully visiting many of you here on VAF.
I have dreamed of a hangar with a RV-10 and a RV-12. Those two would suit all my flying desires for many years.

For now it's a C182 and V35 Bo.
I've got my eye on an Air Tractor AT-802F. I've been saving my nickels and dimes, and someday I'll get my dream plane for use as an aerial firefighter when I get tired of my sleepy airline job.
Money no object, I think it would be an RV10, RV14, and a Skywagon. Since money is an object, I am thinking the RV9 (in process) and a hot rod Cessna 170.

I had this one:


But the Pacific NW wasn't very accommodating for top-down flying so it went to new owner in OK. I'm thinking an L-5 would do me just fine but fitting it in the hanger with the -7 is going to be a problem.
Money no object, I think it would be an RV10, RV14, and a Skywagon. Since money is an object, I am thinking the RV9 (in process) and a hot rod Cessna 170.

Having owned a C-170B, I think that the term "Hot Rod Cessna 170" is an oxymoron!
The C-170B is a great airplane, but it's no hot rod!
I have a -7, which obviously covers solo and 2up cross countries and fun flights. A share in a -10 a 182 or bonanza or something would be awesome.

Money no object though, I'd want my -7, a small open biplane (under 150hp) and a Cessna 195.
I became a two-airplane owner just this year, after being a single-plane owner since 1999. My hangar contains a 2008 Mooney Acclaim Type S and a 2010 RV-8 (not built by me). Jay, my 8 should look familiar to you. The Mooney is for long trips, mostly to the West Coast and Cabo. The RV-8 is for local fun when I'm not going on trips.

fast plane + slow plane

I always figured that after I finished my RV-8, I would build a slow airplane for local scenery exploration and fun.

I've thought a lot about a Tiger-Moth replica. Might start with the plans for a Hatz and stretch it a little in both span and length.

But then I have this troubling thought: Low wing airplanes give good visibility up but not down. High wing airplanes have great visibility down but not up. So isn't a biplane the worst of both worlds? The dream is to go fly on a warm summer evening and do a few barrel rolls and fly up some canyons to enjoy the scenery. So now I'm kind of thinking of building a carbon-cub kit. Not open cockpit, but with the windows open on both sides, it would be kinda like that.

I only want two place airplanes now. I use the RV for long trips, this summer Oshkosh, Sturgis, Cody, Wy. To the museum, Pinedale, Wy for a week in Yellowstone, and then back to Fredericksburg, Tx. I have the Bird Dog which will do a lot of what a cub will do with a lot more comfort and ease of entry and exit, I have 1500 hours of Cub time.

If any of you RV drivers out there want a 300HP Bonanza V35B with tip tanks and a four bladed prop, let me know post haste. I need to lose that second hangar!

2nd airplane

I have it narrowed down to three airplanes.

Legal Eagle.

RV-8 or 8A. (depends on which is worth the most as a flying airplane)


Yes the -8 or 8A would end up being a replacement but the other two IMHO would be perfect for my 2nd airplane.
7AC Aeronca Champ
I have a project in the
hangar I need to finish. c85 w/0200 crank.
Build it light for low and slow.
RV-8 and a Champ, final answer

If I had the money and time to do so, I'd like to build a Just Aircraft SuperSTOL .

Count me in on that. I watched it for over an hour at Oshkosh this year and thought it would be great fun to throw in camping gear and hop from strip to strip in the mountains. I still backpack but it is getting tougher each year on me physically, however I am not ready to give up going to remote places.

Anyone else near Keller, TX want to partner on one? (Walt?)
Built a Rv9 over a 4+ year adventure, the first winter after it was flying was pretty depressing. So, I found an abandoned RV 4 project and now I have something to build when I not flying and I feel much, much better!!!
Air cam

Presently building an aircam. Have the rocket for speed an the aircam to smell the roses.
miss my 6

I am loving some of your ideas to compliment your RV.

The Just Aircraft Company airplanes look pretty good to me.

Also I have seen some lighter airplanes at some of the fly-ins I have been to lately.

Recklaw had some Rans 12s, a couple of Legal Eagles, a Kolb or two. I have no experience with any of these. Looks like fun.

I think Paul and Louise should build a couple more RVs, a 14, And a 19.
If you do build, I will gladly leave 'Shooter' out at your hanger when I use your RV19. I am looking forward to Carols and my trip to the Moon :eek::eek:

Joe Z !!! you got a real nice RV8
I am loving some of your ideas to compliment your RV.

The Just Aircraft Company airplanes look pretty good to me.


Come on out Jay and we will arrange a demo flight. I guarantee you will write the check.

My thought would be to sell the 180 & Shooter and build up a straight tail 172 (or 175) with an O-360 and do the tailwheel conversion with 180 gear. Then you will have something that goes faster than Shooter, can haul a reasonable amount of "stuff", and burn about the same as Borrowed Horse. Since it is a 172, parts are relatively cheap and there will always be a good market for it. Besides, it will kind of look like your 180.
RV7A and a Just Highlander

I've been flying my RV7A for 8 years, 1100+ hours. Someone on this forum mentioned a Just Highlander a couple of years ago as a step up from a Kitfox. Well, long story short I'm in the painting stage now, hope to be flying it this Spring. It will be used for the short Sunday morning hops to breakfast and local flying. I've already got the wheel penetration skis and will put amphibs on it down the road. I hope it will be the perfect compliment to the 7A.

living in southwest florida my other airplane will be a searay.

bob burns
RX-4 n82RB
If I didn't already have my trusty Cessna 180, I wouldn't have started the RV-3B.


Dave, I used to fly into Longmont to visit my brother when he lived in Boulder ... pretty sure I recall seeing your 180 on the ramp there and drooling over it.

If I had the money and time to do so, I'd like to build a Just Aircraft SuperSTOL .

I watched the demo flying in the ultralight section at OSH this year ... WOW! Would be a great compliment to an RV!

A C170B with 180 legs, P Ponk gear box and a180 w c/s prop. A Bearhawk, 540 of course. Then an RV8' then a Pitts S1-S w/ T wings and ailerons, spring gear, a 200 Hp angle valve and an MT prop, then an RV10, and a Bucker Jungmeister, oh and a Mallard. I almost forgot the Mallard.

That's 3 right?
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During the 'Child Rearing Years' I felt lucky to have but one plane, and sometimes I didn't have even one. After that, good deals kept showing up, and I just couldn't say NO....
The Just Aircraft Company airplanes look pretty good to me.

I was looking for a local fun airplane. I am currently building the Just Aircraft SuperSTOL. It's got the 29" bush wheels with fox shocks on the mains and tail wheel. It will be a hoot to land most anywhere. I think it will be a great second airplane to compliment the RV10. It's all metal so you get to do lots of riveting like the Rv but covered in fabric. The kit is no RV but lots of fun to build.
Couldn't help but jump in here. I have been blessed to have owned and flown 33 airplanes over the last 32 years from an Alon Aircoup to a Cessna 421. Currently have 7 different airplanes that serve different purposes.
My RV9 that I purchased recently serves to fly formation at Spruce Creek, 7FL6. The other aircraft I just can't bring myself to sell are:
1929 Waco CSO open cockpit 3 passenger - to give rides of course.
1939 Waco Custom Cabin - to take all the camp gear and numerous grand kids to Oshkosh,
1946 Piper J3 - the best Young Eagle airplane around, pure flying.
1955 Piper Pacer - first restoration and went way overboard with Garmin 430 panel and took runner up in class at Oshkosh 2006. This one will get passed down to my aviation oriented grandson.
1956 G35 Bonanza - retract and high performance time builder for key employees, friends and family.
1984 Bonanza A36 - traveling machine that hauls everything on one engine.
Now if I had to get down to two I would sell:confused:???? nope, just can't do it.
Challenger II

Here is a pic of my number 2 bird. It was a fun building project that took me about 18 months. It burns about 3.5 gallons per hour and is a blast to fly.


Picture by Vlad!
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other plane

Have any of you looked at the Rans S-20. It would be a nice second plane. I think it has a bit more space than a Kitfox or the Just. I had a Rans s-12 for about 500 + hours and a kitfox classic 4 for 400+ hours. The s-20 is new but uses some existing components. Ron
A C170B with 180 legs, P Ponk gear box and a180 w c/s prop.

This REALLY appeals to me. I've experienced a couple of 180 horse C-172s and was impressed. Seems to be a very practical, multi-purpose all around airplane. :)

Also, the -9 and -14 are super appealing.
Am I the only Stearman dreamer on Vansairforce?

Nope! I'd love to have a Stearman, or even a Skybolt, some sort of open 'pit biplane. With all the mentions of Kitfoxes and Highlanders, I'm surprised no one has mentioned a Rans S-7 Courier yet. Cub-like but modernized, two doors, tandem seats... I want one.
Lake Renegade

The one rating I would have bet money on that I would never do was a seaplane rating. But that was Long in the past. The Lake Renegade is like having an Rv 10 that you can take to the lake and land in it repeatedly. If you see a cow pasture or dirt or gravel strip, those will work as well. If VAN was serious about a real worthwhile challenge it would be to knock off an improved Renegade. I vibrate with joy for several days after a flight.
Here is a pic of my number 2 bird. It was a fun building project that took me about 18 months. It burns about 3.5 gallons per hour and is a blast to fly.

http://i447.photobucket.com/albums/qq197/N666BK/Bloomsburg 09/be47d14b.jpg

Thanks for the picture Vlad!

I built 5 of these. They are great fun, you can put them on skis and amphib floats and land almost anywhere. I'n not that fond of the two stroke power though, I had a couple of incidents that turned me into a glider pilot.

I put about 500 hrs on this one . It was sold and ended up in Vermont where it was destroyed in a wind storm.


I also have a 170B to complement my 6-A. After a few years of taking kind-hearted jabs at my nose-dragger, I had to give the conventional gear a try. I had no tail-wheel time up til about a month ago. it is a new and challenging experience that I am enjoying very much. With 20 hrs., I'm still not comfortable with significant cross-winds but it is getting easier each flight. The useful load of the 170B is also something new. Maybe one year I will also graduate to a 180 so I can get out of places I get into!
Glad to see I'm not alone in thinking the the 170 and RV complement each other.
Four place Bearhawk for travelling. Take the back seat out and there is room for a couple of full size bicycles and a ton of camping gear.

This is George Himmeroeder's Bearhawk that won a craftsmanship award at Osh last year.

Most definitely a Jabiru J200-- Lots of easily-accessible cargo space with its 3rd door, quiet, & comfortable. Almost as fast as a Cessna 182 with half the fuel burn. It can haul its own weight in dogs for Pilots & Paws! (Well ok, THAT would be a disaster... It can haul its own weight in people, dogs, fuel and bags!)

And a Taylorcraft BC-12D for old-fashioned grass-field low & slow fun. And ski flying! :D
Have any of you looked at the Rans S-20. It would be a nice second plane. I think it has a bit more space than a Kitfox or the Just. I had a Rans s-12 for about 500 + hours and a kitfox classic 4 for 400+ hours. The s-20 is new but uses some existing components. Ron

Ummm... Check the numbers. The JustAircraft is wider across than a side-by-side RV. Mostly because the doors bow out.

Even better is that you can fly with the doors open. (They fold up against the bottom of the wing.)

The thing I remember most about flying the Highlander was Gary pointing to a friend's front yard and saying, "I landed there." I'm looking down and thinking, "Absolutely no way! He may have landed there but probably had to fold the wings to tow it out." After spending an afternoon with him and Troy, I found out that that thing can get in and out of some places that you just would never believe! Even better is that with the side-by-side seating you have tons of room for camping gear in back. Kind of like the difference in room between an RV-8 and a -6, 7, or 9.
RV-3, Hatz, and PIK20B now. Would like to someday add if cash was falling from trees, a Jonker JS1 glider, and build a two place RV-4 or 7
I have the 10 for all cross country/camping/family trips. I need the two seat, the I want to go for a ride airplane. I have a lot of family and friends that enjoy going on a local flight and the 10 just isn't as much fun as the 8 was for giving rides.
Maybe a 4, or another 8. something faster like a Rocket.
Sometimes I think low and slow would be the way to go, and it would be easier to make room for a high wing in my hangar.
There's not very many planes I don't like.