
Well Known Member
Is the Wednesday breakfast club still doing Sebring?
I have the day off & was thinking about flying out.
Since I still work for a living (18 months to go), I have the opportunity to fly out this week.
The Wed. morning Sebring fly in is very much alive. Morning fog has been an issue the last couple of weeks. hope to see you there Wed.
RV Only?

I'm breaking in a new engine on my One Design and need somewhere to go.
I used to own an RV-8 so am I allowed to eat breakfast with you RV guys? Maybe I can just sit at a separate table.:D
Breakfast at Sebring

At the risk of inviting myself, I'm planning on joining the group at Sebring on Wednesday. I'm hoping to come along with SuperDave and maybe a couple of other folks. Hope to see you all there!
you can sit with the rv guys as long as you stand up and tell us how miserable it is to own a non rv plane.;)
Sebring bust

Winter Haven opened up at 8:00, flew down to Sebring, 2000' on top most of the way down, total ground coverage. SEF was blanketed with a heavy OC 400' ceilings, returned to GIF.
Unfortunately this seems to be the norm the last few weeks. Perhaps we need to change the breakfast meeting to brunch??
Sorry it didn't work out!

Yep, the Sebring weather was the problem today. It cleared around 0900 at Plant City but the 200 foot ceiling at Sebring was a no go. I'd sure like to meet up with you guys though. The brunch idea sounds like a good plan - I mean really, why so early!

Yep, the Sebring weather was the problem today. It cleared around 0900 at Plant City but the 200 foot ceiling at Sebring was a no go. I'd sure like to meet up with you guys though. The brunch idea sounds like a good plan - I mean really, why so early!

Actually, Sebring had 400' and 3 miles Vis at 8:AM. I shot the GPS01 LPV and got in OK. I was the ONLY RV there! One other couple drove in, so we ate together. I filed to get out as well as it was only 900' OC at 9:am. Nice ride, Nice breakfast....
IFR Master!

You IFR Master! Me no so much!

Seriously, glad it worked out for you. My DDA machine doesn't go there but I'm working on it!
KOBE was vfr. we have deviated to there in the past. i decided to play some pickleball outside. the heat was unbearable by 10:30. whew. the fl heat is turned on. :confused: