
Well Known Member
Sebring video with Danielle Dec 22nd Is HERE!!!!!!!!!!


danielle had a great time with the rvers today and shot a bunch of video and stills air to air and on the ground. Here it is!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sebring Pics

Hi turbo,
I'm the guy in the red and white RV7 N42PZ at Sebring Wed morn. It was a hoot flying near your plane. Haven't done that in a while. Did any of Danielle's pictures come out OK?
See you there again!
Rich Zeidman- Recently retired:):)
[email protected]

Hopefully you will continue this weekly outing through the Sun n Fun week. I'd love to make the trip with you all while I'm there.

Danielle sure is a pretty thing. I can't wait to see her videos.
Another Great Job - Thanks Danielle

Wish I had the time to stick around and do the air to air with you and Danielle last week. Hopefully, next time I have the opportunity for the Sebring outing you'll have a videographer with you again!

This morning at ZPH temp/dp was 06/07 < 1/4 sm visibility, freezing fog (!!!) with a 100 ft ceiling. I stayed home and drank coffee until the wx improved.

Welcome to sunny FL.....

See you soon
carlrai said:
This morning at ZPH temp/dp was 06/07 < 1/4 sm visibility, freezing fog (!!!) with a 100 ft ceiling. I stayed home and drank coffee until the wx improved.

I was curious if you went today, Carl. I had every intention of going this morning, until I, too, saw the freezing temps. I didn't want to put myself, my butt (those temper-foam seats are rock hard when it's cold out) or my engine (no preheat) through the pain. Maybe some other time....
missed you guys this wednesday at sebring. i was wondering how many made the cold flight. i woke up in northern fl at a helo meet-up, 23 degrees. they even had a few flurries in northern fl. snow birds are in shorts though.

mosquito line-up.
RV Breakfast Fly-Ins

If some of these events happen on a weekend (when I have time off), then I'll be flying in to join in the festivities. It looks like SOOOO much fun! :D
Many of us have the same problem

In FL, there just aren't many regularly scheduled breakfast fly in's like Wednesday at Sebring. I look forward to the few opportunities I have during the year to make it. Always a great turnout and mostly RV's.

First Saturday at LoPresti is always fun. Small donation for a different charity each month and tons of food.

Don't know of any others but if there are, would enjoy hearing about it.

Lakeland is a great central location with a good restaurant and excellent buffet breakfast on the weekends. If you get a few together up your way, and want to make a trip down, let me know and I'll see if I can round a few fellows up. Know of another destination? There's a few here at ZPH that are always looking for a new breakfast spot.
I have too many sick days; I need to start using them.
What better way than to attend the "Breakfast in Sebring".
You all are having too much fun.
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dan, if you dont take a day off this YEAR to fly on wed to sebring i will be very disappointed!!!!!! let me know if you are going because i dont want to miss it.