
Well Known Member
Sebring Video On U-TUBE NOW




sue has done a great video for us and ower flight to sebring last wednesday. it is a growing group of RV's at sebring on wednesday mornings at 8 am. enjoy. turbo & sue.
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Fantastic video Ed!! I used to live in Stuart and still have family there...the end of the video had some recognizable shots! Looks like a great time!
I created a free hotmail account and
then signed on to FB with that ID.
It also lets you track any email traffic
the FB account causes.

I have another older (15 years) hotmail
account that receives about 50 pieces
of junk mail a day. I just empty it once
and a while.
Great Video

Hey... that was well done. I really enjoyed watching. I wish my plane was done so I could join in the fun!!!!
Could she upload a copy of it to YouTube or Vimeo for those of use (like me) that don't have (or want) a facebook account?

Thanks for considering!

[ed. update: looks she got a copy on her personal website. awesome!dr]

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here is a link to i-web http://web.me.com/suzieg2/Meeting_of_the_Wings/Home.html

you will need apple quick time which should be on the i-web page if you dont have it. she has some issue about the music copyright on you tube???????

we will work this out. a great video. thanks sue.

Terrific video work and even better editing. Great job Sue. And a Big Thank You to Turbo for promoting the Wednesday morning Sebring breakfasts.

The "usual suspects" were there and it was a great time. Special thanks to Florida Mike for the hot ride in his -6a. We were in a 3 Ship from Venice. Wow. Can't wait until I can make it a 4 ship ride. Moving slowly to the hangar....:)
Nice to meet you both last week, GREAT video work! You could almost smell the coffee?!

anyone have any thoughts on posting on u-tube using music. any copyright issues going on there? thanks turbo
its too bad about the music copyright issue because the music makes the video. has anyone had trouble seeing it so far?

here is the response from susan.

YouTube has been cracking down for a couple of years. Copyright isn't anything new, just that with all the digital media out there it's an issue in this day and age. Basically it's illegal to use others work. I see things only getting worse. You watch Facebook will be next! I think two major companies in the us control everything and a violation, if they choose to go after you goes into the hundreds of thousands! You have to have permission to use an artists songs. Unless you know jon bon jovi personally...permission wont be granted! Or you pay$$$$$$$ to use it! Not!!!! Youtube has turned from a user video site to an advertisement for major companies, etc...If I put it on YouTube I have to change the music to royalty free. The first song on the video is an example of royalty free. I have royalty free music that I do use on occasion. I can try to mix it with something and see!

Anyways the whole thing has really put a pain in my side and totally cramping my style! I have had audio removed from my videos in the past. I had to remove videos too. I didn't even try to load it up onto YouTube....after reading everything. Alll the new videos get flagged right away!

Stepping off the soap box!
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Thanks a BUNCH!

Thanks for taking the time and effort to put this together! It's a blast to watch, now my wife is exicted about my project! :D

Wonderful job Sue - probably the best most of us will ever enjoy with our RV's as the subject.

Turbo - Bring Sue with you again!! If you can't, I'll fly over to Stuart to provide livery.

How about Cedar Key one clear day?? Another face of Florida there...

Thanks Sue - terrific video and hope you'll join us again soon.
Thank you Sue for the inspirational video.

I need to have a planned sick day for a future Wednesday so I can join in all the fun.
Dan - How about the 22nd or 29th??


My next opportunities will be the 22nd and 29th. If weather permits, I'll be going. If you can make it one of those days, shoot me an email -maybe meet me and George at ZPH?
headed back over to sebring today for the buffet. thursday is soup, salad, vegs, mashed potatoes, steak, ribs, desert = 8 bucks +tip. sitting along the sebring track listening to the race cars going by. CAVU day. perfect. got a pic coming out of stuart of the rt 1 bridge, and saw 2 eagles, couldnt pass up trying for a pic. i cropped this one in a bit. happy flying, happy holiday to all.

