
Well Known Member
Another great Wednesday breakfast run to Sebring.

Last count was 18 RV's and a bunch of "others"

Usual suspects attended. :D



What time do you guys meet down there?

Tony, generally, We try to arrive around 0800 when the restaurant opens. Most are already done eating and are leaving by 9. If you need to arrive later, just call, email or pm me and if I am going that day I'll get some of the group to hang around. I'm in the VAF white pages.,

Our Venice RV group has a 30 minute flight and it looks like your route may take 40 minutes or so.

Hope to meet you there in the near future.
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this week is just the nicest there is. cool at night, warm in the day. come on down.

headed home flight of three. :cool:

hey, who's red rv8 is that at sebring? not the usual sebring gang.
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Every Wednesday?


Is this an "every" Wednesday event?

Maybe I will get up early and make a run before work some day soon.
I may have to join y'all one of these days. Looks like my good friends from Buckingham Airpark were there in force.
That second RV in the lineup looks a lot like Fred Stucklen's!

Well, it should look like Fred's. That's him in the top photo with Turbo, Gman, Fred and -6a driver Ron. :)

SmilinJack, Yep that's every Weds morning around 0800'ish if you can make it.

Jesse, Come on down. You'll find lots of RV friends there. Don't believe I have met you yet anyway.

I'm going to try to make it next Weds morning (April 30) if my daughter in Ohio can hold that baby girl in her another week or so...:D:D

Disclaimer.... With summer approaching, my 20-30 RV estimates dwindle to a hearty 10-15 or so because a lot of guys go North.
The red one is mine...


hey, who's red rv8 is that at sebring? not the usual sebring gang.

The "red RV is mine, Don Stiver of KCOI, Merritt Island. I usually hit the second wave ~ 0900 or try to pick a destination that is at least an hour flight time. Only about 25 min from COI.
