
Well Known Member
The contest is just a few days away!!! Practice has already started, with the majority of contestants getting in one final practice at SEF on Wednesday 11/1. The contest will start on 11/2 with a good briefing.

Let me see a show of hands of who will be there! I finished getting my engine back on last week and I'm ready to roll! Can't wait! It's been several months since my last contest in early June at the Bear Creek Bash in Rome, GA.

The significant thing for me about this contest is that it will be my one year anniversary of competing in IAC. The Sebring contest last fall was my first. It's been a great year. Despite all of my hours and experience (1400 hours in my RV and 30+ years as a professional pilot) and having flown thousands of loops, rolls, and spins, I've learned quite a bit about my RV-8 and myself. I have had A LOT of fun! And I've met a lot of fantastic people. I hope to do this a very long time. Thank you Ron Shreck for introducing me to this crazy sport and the countless others that have supported me along the way!

I would love to see more RVs in competition. However, even if you're not interested in competition, please come out and watch to see what it's all about. SEF also has a great restaurant on the field. See you there!
I would....

...but my -8 isn't finished yet! I'd drive down just to see you compete (and get your autograph!) but have to make a quick run to AMS instead!

When you comin out for some BBQ again?

Seriously....Good Luck Jerry! ...anxiously awaiting your results!
I will be there, but without an airplane. My engine blew up two weeks ago, had to dead stick.

Happened at the top of a loop... So no $h!t, there I was inverted.....
...but my -8 isn't finished yet! I'd drive down just to see you compete (and get your autograph!) but have to make a quick run to AMS instead!

When you comin out for some BBQ again?

Seriously....Good Luck Jerry! ...anxiously awaiting your results!

Thank you Tom! Hopefully I can get out there soon.
I will be there, but without an airplane. My engine blew up two weeks ago, had to dead stick.

Happened at the top of a loop... So no $h!t, there I was inverted.....

Holy smokes! Where did you land?

Gents, if there's a takeaway from this, I got to think that Ron's experience with aerobatic competition had something to do with the successful outcome of this catastrophe. Great job Ron! I'm looking forward to hearing about it over a beverage at Sebring.