
Going to be flying into Auburn, WA on Thurs. 7/25 from the Denver area.
You locals have any preference as to arrival route from SE? I will probably go in from Yakima via V4 but if weather is over the hills maybe south of Mt. Rainer and up the valley.

V2 is an alternative

I like a track closer to V2, then over stampede pass and into Auburn. If the overcast is high enough you can get through stampede pass. I little lower clouds and the hair pin turn around snoqualmie pass at 3500 is possible following I90. But beware, there are some dead end canyons there if you don't follow the highway. Also, the clouds can pack up against the west side and you don't want to turn the corner and find solid IMC. A short cut over snoqualmie pass is to follow the saddle that the power lines go over. If you can see all the way through to puget sound, then things are clear.

If it is marginal vfr, then the Columbia river gorge is the best bet but be ready for some strong winds in the gorge, turbulence entering from the west, like negative G's, and low clouds on the west end.

But shouldn't you be heading north east next week?
Thx for the reply. I'd like to go NE, but a wedding to attend in SEA got in the way.

I have been over Stampead and the next one north a couple times a few years ago. And a very rough flight down the gorge. Would prefer not to do that again.

The wx looks like it might have high enough cloud bases if I get there early enough. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Take care,