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I questioned whether I should post this. It is a rant and I don't often do that so if a moderator deletes this post, I understand. I'm doing this because Seattle Avionics is a significant contributor to our hobby (whether we like it or not) if you own a RV-12 or fly behind a Dynon Skyview unit.

Of all the myriad of vendors that I deal with in the aviation community, Seattle Avionics is at the top of my list as the least liked, biggest pain in my rearend vendor of all of them. I have had many, many issues with their subscriptions, their software, and their support. I deal with them because I have no choice. Its either them, or don't use the terrain and airport data capabilities of my Dynon.

I recently sold my RV-12 to a very nice gentleman in Arizona. As part of the sale, I told him that I had a subscription through March of 2018 paid up for the mapping software. What I should have assumed is that SA would figure out a way to screw that up. (and they did). Even though I've been downloading map data every month and my DataManager said my subscription ran through 03/18, Customer Service informed me that my subscription expired in June. Really? After multiple email exchanges regarding the facts of my renewal several years ago, the end result was "Well, you need to buy a renewal." Somewhere along the line the customer files at SA got out of sync with my DataManager. The DataManager was correct all along, but their customer records were wrong. I took advantage of a renewal option that gave me extra time but that somehow got scrambled at the SA end. So to be fair to my new buyer, I went ahead and paid for another subscription. That's when I discovered another fact. SA does not allow you to transfer any remaining time on a subscription to a new owner. I guess YOU own the subscription, not the AIRPLANE. So even if I had gotten it straightened out, I would not have been able to pass that along to the new owner.

I'm leaving out a lot of the details for the sake of brevity but that's the essence of it. Look, I don't expect perfection. I have a fair amount of patience. I'm also reasonable. But my litany of issues with SA is no longer excusable, it is a business trend.

Note to Seattle Avionics: Your software is terrible, it's slow, it doesn't work on all computers, and your Customer Service is not very good either. Whether you recognize it or not, your reputation is not positive. I hate paying for the same thing twice but it was the easiest path to resolution. You had better hope that you don't encounter a significant competitor to your services because if you do, you will be out of business in a couple of years.

Note to Dynon: I surely hope you are searching for a new vendor to provide your map subscription services. SA is costing you customers. I know that first hand because even though I like your hardware, I have personally guided two fellow builders away from Dynon because of these issues. My next airplane will not have a Skyview in it.
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I USED to use their product a long time ago.. it was a pain then, and I didn't get all the features I was supposed to.. so.. this is great..

I have a love/hate relationship with Garmin.. ..and I WAS looking Dynon/Skyview when ready, but..

no complaints? this was just what I found in quick search.. without wasting more time on SA..

Thanks or your review Randy. It's good to know that if you buy Dynon you have to go with Seattle Avionics.

I bought into the SA Voyager system with lifetime maps years ago, and when SA partnered with the AOPA, SA stopped supporting the Voyager system.

It became painfully clear that in order to use the "new" system I would have to purchase the new Operating System that SA came out with. I switched to Garmin portables instead and now use Voyager for flight planning only. It's worthless as a portable in-flight moving map system, which is how it was marketed and why I bought it. I wrote it off as a lesson learned. It was over $2K down the drain.

I don't think that anyone will have a problem with your post; we have to be able to share the good with the bad in our small aviation community as part of keeping each other well informed.


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EFIS suppliers

Thanks for the heads up - didn't even realize this was a problem, after all, it's almost 2017! I'm also in the process of choosing an EFIS, and this seems like a big issue. I'll keep a close eye on it between now and when the wife releases the funds. :)
FWIW if you have a DYNON SkyView system you do not have to use Seattle Avionics for FAA data. They provide data that augments the FAA data DYNON provides for free and displays it in a different format. The only reason I use SA is as a backup to my FltPlanGo data, which is on my Android tablet, and they offered a 2yr subscription for $99 last year. Otherwise I probably would not have a subscription with them. YMMV

I'll chime in on this too, I fly behind dual Skyviews and absolutely love them - but I have an evil gooey thick black hatred brewing for SA. They are a really good example of how a business should NOT be run.
Do you even need SA?

Keep in my mind, my comments are not the voice of experience, my EFIS panel is in progress.

But, it seems to me, that if flying VFR, the free chart, obstacle, terrain, map, whatever stuff that Dynon provides is more than adequate. No need for the SA hassle.

If IFR, you can get quality georeferenced approach charts (and all the other maps) with Foreflight downloaded in a few minutes.

No need to pass on a quality Dynon EFIS system.
If IFR, you can get quality georeferenced approach charts (and all the other maps) with Foreflight downloaded in a few minutes.

That philosophy is certainly legal assuming you have the required avionics to actually Navigate IFR by chart without an IFR GPS and its requisite nav database. The problem is while most have at least one NAV radio, few would appear to install a DME anymore, instead choosing to use an IFR GPS as the substitute. IMO, without DME or an IFR GPS, practical IFR flight becomes problematic. YMMV.....
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But, it seems to me, that if flying VFR, the free chart, obstacle, terrain, map, whatever stuff that Dynon provides is more than adequate. No need for the SA hassle.

I totally agree - this is exactly what I do.

If IFR, you can get quality georeferenced approach charts (and all the other maps) with Foreflight downloaded in a few minutes.

I hope no-one is navigating an approach using geo-referenced plates as their primary reference.

I also fly behind the SKYVIEW system. I do have SA and I also have foreflight with Bluetooth adapter on my dynon system. If you are not using the skyview for Hard IFR then I don't think there is a real need for SA. But If you do fly IFR I think its great to have to option of geocashed plates on your efis. Yes SA is an absolute pain to deal with. Not to mention downloading takes FOREVER. but hey for the price I'm not complaining.
That philosophy is certainly legal assuming you have the required avionics to actually Navigate IFR by chart without an IFR GPS and its requisite nav database. The problem is while most have at least one NAV radio, few would appear to install a DME anymore, instead choosing to use an IFR GPS as the substitute. IMO, without DME or an IFR GPS, practical IFR flight becomes problematic. YMMV.....

Agreed, but SA doesn't give you that capability anyways so your point is irrelevant to the issue. :cool:
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Agreed, but SA doesn't give you that capability anyways so your point is irrelevant to the issue. :cool:

My bad. I had assumed that SA was providing some sort of NAV database update in addition to charts and plates. That's what I get for assuming. ;)
Having had more than one run-in with Steve P. at Seattle Avionics, I share the general sentiment that their product, customer service, and especially willingness to acknowledge a problem all leave much to be desired. The product has, to their credit, improved vastly in the last year in terms of the number of failed downloads, but it remains far from trouble-free.

I do fly IFR, and as such, my primary charting/plates solution is an ipad mini with ForeFlight (software that just works....always), however I do maintain a Seattle Avionics subscription for the Skyview as backup.

My question is, are there any software/subscription products that belong to, and transfer with, the airplane? Everything I've ever used seems to be user-specific. Should SA have transferred your remaining subscription to the new owner? That would have been kind of them, but perhaps a bit unexpected. Not sure too many subscription services operate that way. Jeppesen databases for IFR GPS navigators belong to the person subscribing but are also specific to the unit installed. I don't believe they transfer if an aircraft or avionic is sold.

Dynon indeed needs to pursue a better option. I love my Skyview, but this experience with SA would certainly cause me to take a harder look at competitors if buying new. I've heard that SA and Dynon share a building location, so they may be more intertwined than we'd all like.
Can I post?

I don't know if I'm even allowed to post in this thread without bashing SA, but here goes.

I have an AFS 5600 EFIS using SA data, and use FlyQ EFB on my Ipad. And I have no complaints.

SA has improved the Data Manager, and although it takes a bit of time to download updates, it's manageable with good broadband. If you're not going to fly in all 50 states, don't download all 50 states. I have two USB data sticks and just rotate them out. FlyQ connects with Wi-Fi between the Ipad and the 5600 EFIS. I don't have an IFR GPS Navigator so this feature makes flight plan loading much easier than the clumsy flight plan entering feature in the AFS EFIS. (By the way, that's one of the few complaints I have with AFS, but either your GPS Navigator or many EFB apps will easily get around this detraction)

So overall, I love my AFS system, and having used WingX, ForeFlight, and FlyQ EFB, I have chosen to stay with SA. The SA Black Friday sales also make their app one of the cheapest tablet EFBs.

Essentially I am very happy with both companies.
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You know what they say about assuming

I was assuming, that if flying IFR, the aircraft would be legally equipped.
I see geo referenced charts from SA or from Foreflight to be a bonus.
Yes, I agree with Jim. I have AFS systems in the the 10 and have been using the SA data manager for many years. I've only had a problem twice, and both times they responded pretty quickly with an email. I did take advantage of the black Firday special for lifetime based upon my experiences to date. Sorry to hear that some of you are having such issues.

I have dual AFS 5600T displays which I absolutely love!! However, I very much dislike SA. I constantly have issues with the update process (certain regions fail) with no way to easily reinstall from the Data Manager program. Their files take FOREVER to download (I have a 50 MBps connection) and install. I can download Jepp Charts for North America, South America, Europe, and Asia for the biz jet at work faster than Chart Manager downloads 5 states. I would love it if Dynon/AFS could force SA to deliver a better product or select an alternative vendor.
I am always weary of the subscription for life program they offer on Black Friday. Generally it's not a good thing when a company needs short-term cash and guarantees something for a long period of time...
Keep in my mind, my comments are not the voice of experience, my EFIS panel is in progress.

But, it seems to me, that if flying VFR, the free chart, obstacle, terrain, map, whatever stuff that Dynon provides is more than adequate. No need for the SA hassle.

If IFR, you can get quality georeferenced approach charts (and all the other maps) with Foreflight downloaded in a few minutes.

No need to pass on a quality Dynon EFIS system.

I completely agree with this. I have flown AFS and Dynon for years and have never seen a need for sectional charts or approach plates on the screen. Maybe that's because I bounce around a bunch of different planes, but I use a ForeFlight for all of that. I prefer the Skyview Map or AFS Map to a sectional chart, and I like to use approach plates on the iPad far more than on the efis.

Another point I would make is that I now almost never use charts. I use ForeFlight new mapping. Of course, I still use FAA approach plates on Foredlight. I never have seen IFR charts as a benefit. I don't fly in the NE, where I have realized is very airway driven, which makes an IFR Low chart handy, but for GPS Direct (98+% of my flying) the IFR Low charts are completely useless, IMHO.

All this to say, while I have heard a lot of people are unhappy with SA, and others are happy, I see this as not a deal-breaker for either Dynon or AFS. It would be nice to see them find a more Foreflightish system (extremely functional and dependable) for those who just must have those features on the screen.
don't know exactly how good the database for the u.s. is, but you may want to have a look at / easyvfr.
that data can be used for afs and dynon systems. i'm having great results here for all of europe, including the less "core-european" countries like greece or albania.
It is a deal breaker

I've flown behind dual 10" SV, including hours of IFR in the muck, for 4 yrs and love the SV, Dynon and Dynon customer and tech support. Now building RV-12 and will jump ship to Garmin BECAUSE of SA. (Yes, will fly only VFR in the 12) SA IS the deal breaker. I love having approach plates on panel - do not like to look down to view approach plates on foreflight/iPad. Yes, I also have a 430W. I have mentioned this to Dynon on phone and in email. To say SA is not a deal breaker is just plain not correct
I've flown behind dual 10" SV, including hours of IFR in the muck, for 4 yrs and love the SV, Dynon and Dynon customer and tech support. Now building RV-12 and will jump ship to Garmin BECAUSE of SA. (Yes, will fly only VFR in the 12) SA IS the deal breaker. I love having approach plates on panel - do not like to look down to view approach plates on foreflight/iPad. Yes, I also have a 430W. I have mentioned this to Dynon on phone and in email. To say SA is not a deal breaker is just plain not correct

Same here. Had SV in my -7A and learned to abhor SA; even the "improved" version - always felt like I was using software from '96. Also my few email exchanges with SA were less than customer friendly. Garmin all the way for the -10. Won't even consider SV all because of SA.
Customer Support

At the risk of a little bit of thread drift, I thought I would share an example of excellent customer service that I experienced from another database supplier-Jeppesen:

A handfull of years ago, I decided to take my plane out of service for a long period of time due to some work commitments and a significant amount of fiberglass work and upgrades that I expected to keep me on the ground for a while. The problem was that I was only about 5 months into a 1 year subscription for my Jeppesen GNS430W database. I called Jeppesen customer service and explained the situation and asked if I could somehow get a credit towards a future database renewal for the unused portion of my subscription period. The service rep was incredibly helpfull, and instead of just giving me a credit, he cancelled my subscription and immediately issued me a refund check for the unused service period.

While I know there have been a lot of gripes about Jeppesen's high prices and their apparent monoppoly in the database market (which I generally tend to agree with), I felt that this level of service from them was outstanding and beyond my expectations.

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Dynon and SA

I have dual SkyView s and use Seattle Avionics data updates. IFR fairly regular. Not a big deal and it works well for me. I have an iPad mini as well and enjoy uploading flight plans. After new upgrades V15 my iPad now displays traffic. Cool. Will continue flyQ subscription.
At the risk of a little bit of thread drift, I thought I would share an example of excellent customer service that I experienced from another database supplier-Jeppesen:

A handfull of years ago, I decided to take my plane out of service for a long period of time due to some work commitments and a significant amount of fiberglass work and upgrades that I expected to keep me on the ground for a while. The problem was that I was only about 5 months into a 1 year subscription for my Jeppesen GNS430W database. I called Jeppesen customer service and explained the situation and asked if I could somehow get a credit towards a future database renewal for the unused portion of my subscription period. The service rep was incredibly helpfull, and instead of just giving me a credit, he cancelled my subscription and immediately issued me a refund check for the unused service period.

While I know there have been a lot of gripes about Jeppesen's high prices and their apparent monoppoly in the database market (which I generally tend to agree with), I felt that this level of service from them was outstanding and beyond my expectations.


At least they have competition now from, of all companies, Garmin for 430W and other databases. Better pricing AND includes both Nav and Terrain databases.

I have been a vocal critic of SA's tools for a long time, and they *have* improved it, but it still has a very clunky interface (which is non-compliant to any Windows standard I've seen), and it is slow (although they've made it *much* better than it was). HOWEVER, the price can't be beat for what you get...IFR high and low, VFR, approach plates, airport diagrams and A/FD diagrams, and all georeferenced. So while not perfect by any means, and could use some serious improvement in the speed and interface areas, it is still a great deal and I'm happy with the product itself (just not the tool).
To each his own

While I too cursed SA when they had their problems, over the last year or so updates for the SkyView have been simple and automatic. It does help a lot to have the 3.0 type thumb drives. For those interested, I'm running Window's 10. For IFR I carry the appropriate paper approach plates, but the SkyView loaded plates are a good backup or if I find myself getting sent someplace else. I find using ForeFlight on my iPad a great flight planning tool and ok for looking at stuff during cruise quiet time. I do not consider it viable for IFR work other than the last backup.

Considering how Garmin screwed me on my GTN-650 that arrived with what I was later told were "known problems", and that I had to pay for the fixes, I will not put another Garmin product in my panel unless there is no other reasonable option. This means the new RV-8 will have dual SkyView displays like the RV-10, and another GTN-650 as the other options are even more grossly overpriced.

My experience

I purchased a laptop computer last summer to take on our summer travels and I was amazed at how much faster the SA updates took!! I believe it is because the new computer has USB 3.0. So now at home, I update the flash drives on the newer laptop and not the older desktop.
Not that unhappy......

I have had my Skyview for a little over two years now. I'm a VFR only guy, but I download every. Single. Chart. And every other thing that I can. Why? Do you go to a lunch buffet and just eat a small salad when that's really all you need? I paid for it, I'm going to get my money's worth!!!! Ha! Anyway, I download the whole 9 yards that you get for the $99/year. I still almost feel like I'm stealing getting all that stuff for $99/year. My computer has a 20 Mbps download speed (DSL). I am on it almost every day. Have never really had any issues with getting things downloaded.

The only issues I've had are when SA updates their data manager. It's better to wipe the computer and thumb drive clean of the program and data and go back to the website and start over. Was a pain the first time. Only have done it once since then. Perfect? No. Did I mention I only pay $99/year for this stuff? Been a while since I've had to do it. And if $99/year makes you whine, you got the wrong hobby. Take up bird watching.

I also bought a second USB drive so I could have one with the latest stuff on it when I went to the airport since I typically leave the drive in the plane. My first, old, thumb drive took.... hours to copy all the files I downloaded. Hours. Like 3 or 4 hours. I'm sure if I only downloaded stuff I needed.... for just the USA (I did say I downloaded everything :D) it would go faster. The second drive was a USB 2.0 drive. Wow. 30 minutes or less and done. If you don't have a new-ish thumb drive that's at least a 2.0 drive, spend the $15 and save your sanity. I haven't bought a second 2.0 drive yet, but have had the computer go to sleep before getting the old drive updated.

And people are talking Garmin. I know of one person that bought lifetime maps for their GPS. A short period of time later, they said they no longer supported that product. No more maps. He vowed to never by Garmin again. I'm guessing if you want to look hard enough, you can find people that have had issues with every company out there.
And people are talking Garmin. I know of one person that bought lifetime maps for their GPS. A short period of time later, they said they no longer supported that product. No more maps. He vowed to never by Garmin again. I'm guessing if you want to look hard enough, you can find people that have had issues with every company out there.

Garmin defines "lifetime" in their "Lifetime Maps Terms & Conditions":
Lifetime Maps Terms & Conditions

If you purchase a n?Maps Lifetime subscription (sold separately) or if your Garmin product comes bundled with a n?Maps Lifetime or other lifetime map subscription, you will receive map data updates when and as such updates are made available on during the useful life of 1 compatible Garmin product or as long as Garmin receives map data from a third party supplier, whichever is shorter. A product?s ?useful life? means the period during which the product (a) has sufficient memory capacity and other required technical capabilities to utilize current map data and (b) is capable of operating as intended without major repairs. A product will be deemed to be out of service and its useful life to be ended if no updates have been downloaded for such product for a period of 24 months or more. Unless otherwise stated, the updates you receive under the subscription will be updates to the same geographic area included with your Garmin product when originally purchased. In some instances, your Garmin product might not have sufficient memory remaining for you to load an update to the map data, in which case you will need to either (a) select reduced map data coverage for your updates, or (b) purchase separately a microSD?/SD? card (if and as applicable to your Garmin product) and load all or a portion of the map data coverage for your updates to the card and insert the card into the microSD/SD card slot contained in your Garmin product. If neither of the measures in (a) or (b) can be used to address your product?s lack of sufficient remaining memory, then Garmin may conclude that the ?useful life? of your product has expired. Garmin may terminate your n?Maps Lifetime or other lifetime map subscription at any time if you violate any of the terms of this agreement or your subscription. Your n?Maps Lifetime subscription or other lifetime map subscription may not be transferred to another person or another Garmin product.​
I have been using the SA database in my Dynon Skyview for more than a year. I have had no problems downloading or otherwise. The subscription renewal was a non-issue. No problems. I am happy with Seattle Avionics.
I purchased a laptop computer last summer to take on our summer travels and I was amazed at how much faster the SA updates took!! I believe it is because the new computer has USB 3.0. So now at home, I update the flash drives on the newer laptop and not the older desktop.

This! I was a vocal critic of SA and their updating software. I was using a Mac and a Windows emulator. Downloads took forever if they worked at all. Finally, I decided to drop $250 on a new Windows laptop just for my SA downloads and a few other Windows-centric tasks. What a difference! I use two 3.0 USB drives. One stays in the airplane, the other in the computer. Updates take less than thirty minutes and consume practically none of my time.

If you have older hardware (computer / drives) or, like me, are using a Mac / Windows solution, I think you'll be much happier with Seattle Avionics if you upgrade your support hardware.
Works for me.

For me, using two USB 3 mini thumb drives was the solution. I always leave one connected and leave my plane keys by the USB bus. I take the keys and updated stick with me to fly and brong the other USB drive from the plane when I return home and put it in the USB bus. One is always up to date for travel and if I do happen to forget the newest one the one already in the plane is never more than a few days old.

I watch the Jeppesen database for the 28 day cycle and when I date that card I do both ISB's and I always legal for IFR.
For me, using two USB 3 mini thumb drives was the solution. I always leave one connected and leave my plane keys by the USB bus. I take the keys and updated stick with me to fly and brong the other USB drive from the plane when I return home and put it in the USB bus. One is always up to date for travel and if I do happen to forget the newest one the one already in the plane is never more than a few days old.

I watch the Jeppesen database for the 28 day cycle and when I date that card I do both ISB's and I always legal for IFR.

I wish I was that smart! I only started doing this 2 months ago :mad:

I was worried at first that they wouldnt allow it.

Works like a charm!
This thread lends credence to my view that this site as kinda similar to YELP when it comes to "reviews" of things. I have learned to pretty much exclude the upper and lower comments from consideration. If one were to have no experience with SA and Skyview, and tended to concentrate on the negative, one might be tempted to believe there was a crisis here and a product system to definitely avoid at all costs. I do like to read the reviews here and in YELP, but lately I understand that there are some who are really good at writing scathing accounts. Don't get me wrong, I had some issues with SA and still do but to exclaim that they would give up Skyview (or not buy it again) because the site providing maps and charts doesn't meet their high standards seems a bit over the top to me. Also, as an aside, I am uncomfortable with such attacks on a loyal vendor, a supporter of experimental aircraft and this site, being taken to task in this manner. Just my 2 cents.
Kinda like

This is kinda like going to a pancake breakfast and the topic at the table starts off with SA but at some point you leave the discussion pissed that Hoover was treated the way he was and somehow you don't remember what the discussion was about so you go back for seconds.

I remember in the old days we only complained how much the steam gauges. Who would have thought that someone would figure out a way to make us pay every month for stuff in the plane instead of once in a lifetime. Amazing.
I believe the basic points have been made. Let's call this one 'mission complete.'

Merry Christmas to all.
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