
Had my Seattle Avionics Dynon database subscription auto renew recently. The download manager says I am not a subscriber now, like I never renewed. I have a receipt from SA that says I was charged and paid for the renewal. Two emails and a phone call to some voice mail and no response from the company and still not fixed. Have they gone out of business or something?
Had my Seattle Avionics Dynon database subscription auto renew recently. The download manager says I am not a subscriber now, like I never renewed. I have a receipt from SA that says I was charged and paid for the renewal. Two emails and a phone call to some voice mail and no response from the company and still not fixed. Have they gone out of business or something?

Didn't they get bought up by some other company? SA's Data Manager is and always has been a really cruddy program, but this doesn't bode well at all for their support to GA and Dynon.
Can you log into [My Account] on Does it show your subscription as renewed?

If so, try deleting and reinstalling the data manager app.
Renewed every year. Updated every month - no problems. Not a lifetime, just annual subscriber. Works for me & my Skyview
Mines working right now - they just haven't updated your subscriber status.
works fine

I'm a lifer. When I paid for life they got mixed up. Kept sending me renewals.
I called and got them straightened out and never had a problem since.
N804RV - I did check the account online (not via the app) and it showed an updated subscription. So I did as you suggested - deleted the app and reinstalled. Now it is working. I have not had to use this kind of fix since DOS........

Still no response from Seattle Avionics. Terrible customer service.
Dynon, if you are listening, buy these guys out!
N804RV - I did check the account online (not via the app) and it showed an updated subscription. So I did as you suggested - deleted the app and reinstalled. Now it is working. I have not had to use this kind of fix since DOS........

Still no response from Seattle Avionics. Terrible customer service.
Dynon, if you are listening, buy these guys out!

I recently braved the enrollment, initial D/L and subsequent chart update processes for my Advanced Flight suite. There were glitches with the app, but we got through them for the most part. The whole time I was futzing with the hardware and software to accomplish this on a MS-DOS platform, I was thinking "TSRH is why we can't have nice things..."

There's a reason I'm surfing VAF on a MacOS platform this morning. Offering aviation software that only plays with the IBM side is, in my not sufficiently humble opinion, sketchy customer service from the start.

I hope Seattle prospers and remains in the market, because they are AFS's chosen service bundler and they have my money We need a new meme: everyone wants to run cheap generic DOS hardware until it's time do DOS things. :D
I recently braved the enrollment, initial D/L and subsequent chart update processes for my Advanced Flight suite. There were glitches with the app, but we got through them for the most part. The whole time I was futzing with the hardware and software to accomplish this on a MS-DOS platform, I was thinking "TSRH is why we can't have nice things..."

There's a reason I'm surfing VAF on a MacOS platform this morning. Offering aviation software that only plays with the IBM side is, in my not sufficiently humble opinion, sketchy customer service from the start.

I hope Seattle prospers and remains in the market, because they are AFS's chosen service bundler and they have my money We need a new meme: everyone wants to run cheap generic DOS hardware until it's time do DOS things. :D

I run Parallels on my MacBook Pro. I can use all the Windows stuff no problem. It loads faster and seems to be more stable.
Seattle Avionics

I have an AFS EFIS (which I love) and every time I try to update the Seattle Avionics database it never loads the sectionals the first time around. It seems to default with the sectionals unchecked in the menu selection and I always have to manually select the sectionals before doing the download updates.

Even doing that I usually have to download 2 or 3 times before the sectionals are accepted. Have deleted and reloaded the program several times and not real happy with the generic customer service replies but basically I don’t think the interface is that good. My Garmin stuff always loads so seamlessly and never have any issues. Not only that, the prices for Seattle Avionics databases went up from $99/yr to $129/yr with no warning. Sure that’s still a lot cheaper than Garmin and I know SA is not a big company but 30% increase in one year is a bit much.

I agree that I wish someone would buy out SA and fix this software. These SA downloads also take FOREVER.
I have a couple of AFS EFIS’s and an annual SA subscription. I’m a committed Mac user and it’s rare these days that I have any tasks that require Windows. Seattle Avionics is a notable exception and IMHO it doesn’t speak well of their sophistication as a company or their commitment to customer support.

That said, I do have a Windows gaming computer and that’s how I update my maps. SA’s download manager is a typical Windows kludge, but I must say it has been working fine once I jumped through all the silly arcane hoops necessary to install it and get it running.
Seattle Avionics

I have a lifetime subscription to FlyQ EFB, and I am happy with the product. My RV8 has an AFS 5600 EFIS. Getting monthly updates from Seattle Avionics via their Chart Data Manager has never been a pleasant experience. Recently my data subscription with Seattle Avionics expired and that led to an unsatisfactory customer service experience. So I began wondering why I even needed their data updates for my AFS EFIS. And my answer was "I don't". Like many other pilots I use an IPad in the cockpit with an aviation app. In my case that app is FlyQ EFB. That app has all the updated charts and plates that I need. Why pay for two subscriptions?
Why pay for two subscriptions?

I haven't updated my g3x db in quite a while. I also use FF for charting and airport info. They only reason that I can find for updates to the EFIS is the obstacle DB. FF doesn't help in this regard.

I haven't updated my g3x db in quite a while. I also use FF for charting and airport info. They only reason that I can find for updates to the EFIS is the obstacle DB. FF doesn't help in this regard.


But foreflight does have an obstacle database and offers terrain and obstacle warnings.
Seattle Avionics

SMRacer makes a good point about subscriptions. I do have a GTN 650 (which I keep updated) so not sure I even need a Seattle Avionics subscription anymore since the 650 sends all the nav data to the AFS EFIS. I used to use an IPAD Mini on a Ram Mount for backup navigation, charts etc using WingX. I really like WingX but the problem with the IPAD was the screen brightness was frequently unreadable in direct sunlight at times and occasionally would overheat and shut down. I’m switching to a Garmin Aera 760 to replace the IPad Mini so doubtful I would need chart updates to the EFIS since I never use the flight plan in the AFS EFIS. I use the GTN 650 for navigation.

The other issue is cost- SA recently raised their price from $99/yr to $129/yr. if I keep the 760 updated at $169/yr I really don’t need to keep the Seattle Avionics data updated anymore. I can keep the 760 updated for only $40/yr more and have a larger super bright screen with no fear of shutting down.

I usually fly around with a full screen PFD anyway and don't often use the split screen for nav on the right side. All my nav is done from the 650. Am I missing something here?

But most importantly- on this Veterans Day thank you to all the Veterans in the VAF community that have so honorably served our country.
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I usually fly around with a full screen PFD anyway and don't often use the split screen for nav on the right side. All my nav is done from the 650. Am I missing something here?

If the 650 has a large enough screen for the navigation (and I agree it does) then no, I don't think you are missing anything.
Pro tip: when doing an update of your USB or data card, ignore the messages in the text box that say things like Update Completed, and instead just wait for all the balls to turn green. I spent a lot of time with retries and reformats before I figured that one out.
This works great! In fact, I've gotten rid of my old Windows PC.


Seattle Avionics did finally respond to the fourth email I sent out. But the suggestion earlier to reload the program (which is what the SA email said to try BTW) had already fixed the problem. Better late than never I guess..... but if you rely on SA service to be in compliance for your charts, test your subscription at renewal date before the next cycle is due.
I just got the periodic marketing email from Seattle Avionics, they are developing a new version of the Chartdata manager program, and asking for Beta testers.

I've been a beta tester for Dynon for several years, and I'm one of the folks VERY unhappy with the current chartdata manager, so I volunteered to beta test the new version. We'll see how far that goes. I've been vocal in the past about the horrible abortion that is the current program - if the new one is good, I'll be just as vocal about that, fair is fair.

Please SA - make this one not suck.
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between Greg and Ken we're going to get this sorted out. :D

Pro-level move by Ken - closing all his OnlyFans browser tabs before taking the screen shot.
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nary a problem

+1 for works on my machine...

I keep a couple sets of USB sticks for updating my AFS EFII. I put the last months set in my computer once a month then forget about them for a few days and eventually remove them from the PC and add to the "go to the airport on next trip" pile. In several years of running updates I've never had an issue that wasn't a problem related to the USB stick.
What happened to Seattle Avionics?

I bought a life subscription from S.A. Nov 2016 with no problems at all until last month. For some reason I did not get the monthly email that new data was out. That had arrived every month for over 5 years. Their new updated software download would not open, so I uninstalled the old software to try the new one again. Still no luck. I tried to call and could never speak to anyone since all they had was an outgoing voice mail. Sent two emails with no response.

This month, again no email announcing that new data was out and still cannot install the new software and the older one that worked for years is gone. And again no one there to speak with and no email response.

I’ve actually written Dynon to see if I can buy this information from them as something has gone haywire with S.A. I would rather pay twice and get the data than pay once and not get it.
I bought a life subscription from S.A. Nov 2016 with no problems at all until last month. For some reason I did not get the monthly email that new data was out. That had arrived every month for over 5 years. Their new updated software download would not open, so I uninstalled the old software to try the new one again. Still no luck. I tried to call and could never speak to anyone since all they had was an outgoing voice mail. Sent two emails with no response.

This month, again no email announcing that new data was out and still cannot install the new software and the older one that worked for years is gone. And again no one there to speak with and no email response.

I’ve actually written Dynon to see if I can buy this information from them as something has gone haywire with S.A. I would rather pay twice and get the data than pay once and not get it.

Hey Bill,

I had problems getting the software to do the V16 AFS version. I got an email inviting me to renew my subscription and sent a rather snarky reply about not paying for what doesn't work. I got an immediate return phone call from Thomas who I believe is the head of sales. He walked me through uninstalling the data manager and reinstalling and low and behold it works. I did renew.

My suggestion is to call them up. Ask for Thomas or Kimberly Shaw who followed up on a previous support request I had made after Thomas got me working. Josh in support was unable to resolve my problem before Thomas called me.

By the way, I got the new data download email on the 16th.

Ed Holyoke
Fuel prices

Recent poor customer service experience when inquiring about the accuracy of fuel prices in FlyQ. Many instances of wildly inaccurate fuel prices at local airports.

I fear the company is having some growing pains with the recent acquisition. Hope it isn't long term.
I fear the company is having some growing pains with the recent acquisition.

All too predictable. I expect Data Manager will go the way of the dodo soon, with the new owners choosing to focus on "innovative technologies, mission critical software and disruptive marketplaces that have a net positive impact on the environment", whatever THAT means.

A dinosaur with a crappy interface like DM doesn't seem to fit that profile. Sad.
My suggestion is to call them up. Ask for Thomas or Kimberly Shaw who followed up on a previous support request I had made after Thomas got me working. Josh in support was unable to resolve my problem before Thomas called me. [/QUOTE said:
Thanks for the suggestion as I would love to talk with someone who can solve this problem. Unfortunately, the number I had for them, 206 763 8530, is disconnected and the number on their web site, 425 806 0249, has been answered by voice mail every time I've called. Aside from that number, all they have is email addresses no one seems to respond to. Maybe someone there will read this and respond.
I bought a lifetime subscription to FlyQ for use on an Ipad mini and have a subscription to FlyQ for Dynon HDX in my Rv-7A. The Ipad mini still hangs up, goes into strange modes and is generally unreliable, the HDX version seems to work reliably but chart manager is slow and quirky ( even the new version). According to Dynon tech support only Seattle Avionics products can be loaded on the Dynon HDX display - that needs to change. I plan on giving SA another 6 months to get their act together and then dumping FlyQ and going to Foreflight if the problems persist. Every time I have flown with a buddy running Foreflight on an Ipad mini I have had to eat crow when FlyQ goes into some strange mode or hangs up and needs a reboot and Foreflight is rock solid.

Fuel Prices?

I'm a new user having used FF before. I am surprised how limited published fuel price info is on FlyQ. Is there any way to submit fuel price updates to SA so that they can add to their database? It was a simple matter on FF but not so on FlyQ.
User input for fuel pricing

Easy to submit fuel price changes in FlyQ. Just go to any airport, select "Services". Then any entity offering fuel will offer an opportunity to update.

Unfortunately it appears that FlyQ is depending on user input to update, and thus many of the prices are outdated.
Jim, its not quite that easy. For instance, Cassville Airport (94K) has fuel, but under the 'Services' tab, it provides no option to update fuel prices.
An update to the original post here. I was eventually contacted by Seattle, via email. They offered to extend my subscription for a year for free because of all the issues I had trying to make contact. They also promised to update my software. I replied thank you and you I will take the update. No reply. No extension on my subscription that I can see in the account section of the software. No updated download software. Crickets for several months now. :(
Wonder what will happen when my subscription expires this fall? Seattle Avionics, if you are listening........
...According to Dynon tech support only Seattle Avionics products can be loaded on the Dynon HDX display - that needs to change. I plan on giving SA another 6 months to get their act together and then dumping FlyQ and going to Foreflight if the problems persist. Every time I have flown with a buddy running Foreflight on an Ipad mini I have had to eat crow when FlyQ goes into some strange mode or hangs up and needs a reboot and Foreflight is rock solid.


I don't understand this part. Please clarify. If Dynon will only use SA products why would you go to FF? I have no dog in this fight, just don't understand what is said.
The problem is they were bought out. I have watched this happen to FBO's for 20 years. There will be a really good FBO, and a chain buys them out, and the FBO goes to pot.

The larger business that buys the smaller one does not understand the culture of the smaller business. So they change everything and the business and customers suffer.
I don't understand this part. Please clarify. If Dynon will only use SA products why would you go to FF? I have no dog in this fight, just don't understand what is said.
I have dual HDX displays. According to Dynon tech support and the Dynon web pages the HDX will only accept Seattle Avionics map software, so I have to live with that. I also use an Ipad mini running FlyQ to create and download flightplans and as a backup. If I fly with others in the right seat I use the Ipad mini as a kneeboard. Switching to FF for the Ipad mini was what I was referring to. I don't have a choice for the HDX.