John Owen

Well Known Member

Despite all of the problems listed on this board, I took advantage of Seattle Avionics holiday special for discounted annual subscription. This morning, I was brave enough to take the USB drive out of my AFS-5600 and install the data. I installed it all except for the IFR High charts. It did take a long time (maybe 5 hrs) reminding me of the old Garmin updates but it all loaded and worked fine. I just didn't start loading it when I needed it like I can with FF. It isn't as fast to download as FF or my Garmin 650 but the price is right ($89) and, if you plan ahead, isn't a big hassle. I wish that it was faster but it is functional.

YMMV but I was pleasantly surprised. I am not connected in any way to SA and am not nearly as concerned about it as I was before.

Take care.
I also took the plunge recently and am very happy. We probably had a similar experience as we both have the 5000 series EFIS. I used the standard 2 series thumb drive that came with the EFIS but since purchased the faster 3 series and the loading onto the drive is very much faster, so much so it is amazing. The drive does get pretty darn hot though but I understand that's normal. I did use a PC and once I got past the learning curve of the Chartdata manager it was a no brainer. One other note, I found that unchecking the Enable AFSAF downloads when not using the manager will allow me to do an AFS map or system updates on the thumb drive without the manager doing it's thing automatically. Larry
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My old PC laptop just has a 2.0 USB port. I had to resurrect the laptop after switching to Mac. I would like to use a 3.0 and may have to look for a new, cheap PC laptop.
Supposedly a Mac software client is coming for the download manager. I purchased their lifetime subscription, "Chart One", during the black friday sale, and I remember reading on one of their blog posts around that time that they are working on an OSX client.
Important Warning about Seattle Avionics and billing

I had been using Seattle Avionics updates for my Skyview for several years now, but informed them that I would NOT be renewing this year. I had been paying $99/24 months of data. I don't use the data extensively and use Foreflight anyway, so it was not critical. It certainly was not worth $99/yr which is the one price they would offer. I warned them that but not honoring the pricing from the past several years, then would lose me as a client.

I informed them in writing that I would not renew this month, but they went ahead and charged my credit card regardless. Very poor customer service on their part. AMEX has reversed the charges and blocked Seattle Avionics from auto billing me going forward. I will not do business with them again and would not recommend anyone else do either.

Do not trust this company. I'd call this fraud if I had more hard evidence, but I am more than certain it is poor customer service. Go elsewhere.
One person's experience

Recently I had an incorrect billing from Seattle Avionics. One phone call to their customer service resolved this quickly.

I use Seattle Avionics data for my AFS 5600 and also use FlyQ on my Ipad.
I've had no real problems, in fact I'm quite satisfied with both the product and customer service.

Plus, the soon to be released new AFS 5000 series software makes FlyQ even better. Not to mention a lot of great new features in the AFS system itself.

Emailed questions to SA are frequently answered by Steve Podradchik himself.

Don't formulate an opinion on a company based on one review.

And, yes, Steve, (if you're reading) I'd like to see a Mac version of the Data Manager.