Fly Q problems

Every since I upgraded to version 4, I have been having problems with FlyQ locking up. The only way to recover is completely close the Fly Q app on the IPad. Just exiting FlyQ via the home button doesn?t correct the problem.
Me too

Everything for my AFS 5600 downloaded except the VFR sectionals. I tried both last night and this morning-no joy. Will try again tonight after work. I guess with my Foreflight, I am legal if VFR is all that I am missing but would like to have it all updated.

I had no trouble with the download yesterday. Everything showed up as expected. Running on an older Ipad mini.

The iPhone & iPad updated successfully. BUT the Chart Data Manager failed miserably on the Sectionals - everything indicates the download was successful but will not copy the Sectionals to the USB Flash Drives.
I Quick Formatted, Full Formatted, used Chart Data Manager to CHKDSK, used Chart Data Manager to format cards - all with the same results; Everything except Sectionals install correctly.
I uninstalled and reinstalled Chart Data Manager - same results.

Nothing more I can think of trying, so - in desperation - I sent them an email.

For me, and seems everyone else, its the Sectionals that are having problems.
SA message

This seems to be working. To get it to work I had to uncheck the enable AFS xxxx downloads at the top of the ChartData manager so to make it inactive. Hope this helps.

Hi Larry,

We?re very sorry for the problem. Some of the Sectional files appear to have been corrupted. We have uploaded and tested the fixed files.

Here's how to correct the problem:

1. Open the ChartData Manager
2. Click Options
3. Click Advanced
4. Click "Open the download folder on this PC"
5. Now, you can either delete the whole ScannedCharts directory (this will also delete the LO and HI charts) OR, if you want to be more selective and just delete the Sectionals...
A. Open the ScannedCharts folder

B. Delete any files you see there. They'll begin with "ScannedCharts". Do NOT delete the US directory

C. Go into the US directory

D. Delete the SEC directory

6. Back on the ChartData Manager, click Close
7. Click OK
8. Click Update Now
Try normal procedure

Mine finally downloaded properly with normal actions.
So I suggest you uncheck everything except the "Sectionals" and try to
download them. I'd try this once before you go through the Seattle Avionics suggested procedure.
+1 For loading

with everything else unchecked --- sectionals loaded fine, this morning.

Good to Go!

Apparently the Sectionals got uploaded to the server corrupted.
After receiving notice they were "replaced" my system worked correctly. The iPhone & iPad indicated new data was available and updated successfully.