
Dangit! Seats installed upside down :eek:


I spent about 6 hours like this yesterday cleaning up under the console wiring but at last, done!

Thanks, video camera, for capturing this and countless other embarrassing pics.
It's only embarrassing if you share the pictures! LoL

I wish more people would spend more time upside down, cleaning up wiring runs. Making things clean and tight will save many hours of frustration in the future.

Besides, it's not really all that uncomfortable once you've "assumed the position", but you're always best to have somebody available to help extract you if you're the least bit unsure of how you will get out.
Its one of the reasons I did the panel before the engine. I had the airplane upside down so i could sit in the shop chair and work 'under' the panel in comfort.

It also meant that all firewall penetrations were complete when the engine was hung, and it minimised storage time for the engine before first flight.
The fact that he is in sock feet is the sign of a real pro. Getting rid of the shoes makes it much easier to get properly positioned under there, although shoes make the dismount less painful.