Low n Slow

Well Known Member
I have a Hooker Harness crotch strap bracket that I need to mount to another bracket that picks up the two forward spar bolts.

Does anyone have a pattern, drawing or picture of the latter bracket?

Tom, there are a few pictures of F-449 on my blog. Scroll down to the 1/12/07 entry and double click the picture. I think it might help you.

If you scratch around you will also find the pax bracket though again, not an ideal picture.

Good luck,
Pics of Mine

Tom, here are pics of mine...1/8" angle with slot wide enough for strap bolted to spar carry-through. I turned mine to the back (I've heard some are installed on the front. Anyway I added a picture of the strap as it is through the seats. I'm a pretty big guy and it fits great.


Hope this helps....
Tom, here are pics of mine...1/8" angle with slot wide enough for strap bolted to spar carry-through. I turned mine to the back (I've heard some are installed on the front. Anyway I added a picture of the strap as it is through the seats. I'm a pretty big guy and it fits great.


Hope this helps....
Thanks for the replies!

Bill, it looks like you?re using a Hooker Harness also and that it?s attached directly to your custom bracket on the rear of the spar.

The crotch belt that I just received came with an attached bracket, that looks like it might make the belt too long if I have to mount it to another bracket on the spar. Did you send Hooker Harness the bracket you created and had them sew the belt onto it?