
Hi All, first time posting for help, hope I’m in the right place!

I purchased a RV-9A earlier this year (first plane had to be an RV!). It came with 6 ventilation fans built into each seat, though they are not hooked up. I was provided two harnesses by the owner.

There three wires which need to be connected to the airplane for these fans to function. Red and black, which are pretty self explanatory, but each harness also has a blue wire. Each harness has a single switch and 3 different fans speeds so I imagine this blue wire has something to do with this feature. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!IMG_8752.jpegIMG_8753.jpegIMG_8754.jpegIMG_8755.jpeg
I'm curious how effective the ventilation is as I have never been in an airplane with ventilated seats.
Hopefully one day soon I can report back! Doubt it’ll be as good as air conditioned seats in modern cars, but it’s to be worth something. Here in FL I’ll take anything even if it’s just a puff of air.
Contact Lemke, looks like their kit, includes 6 fans.

My guess blue is signal eg: speed selection, red and black / power ground, blue speed via the speed controller, the small box , pic#3
Contact Lemke, looks like their kit, includes 6 fans.

My guess blue is signal eg: speed selection, red and black / power ground, blue speed via the speed controller, the small box , pic#3
It is actually a Lemke kit, good eye! I found the invoice for the interior in with the harnesses. I tried calling them, but they’re out of office until September 10th. What would you connect the blue wire to, a power source along with the red lead?
Mike S gave the best reply. "Until I was sure of the blue wire function, I would not connect it to anything."
What if that blue wire outputs a 5 volt signal? Connecting 12 volts could damage something.