Mark Henderson

Well Known Member
I was not paying attention today and enlarged the rear hole in one of the floor skins. (page 21-13 figure 2 step 5) I went ahead and enlarged the correct hole to 1/2". I called Van's and they said it probably wasn't a big deal, but couldn't confirm what will go in that patricular hole. Does anyone know what goes through this hole? As far as I could see from the fuselage plans there was no mention of either the 1/2' or 3/8" holes. I don't have the finish kit yet so I have no way to check. If it is just a snap bushing that will go in it I can use a larger one. If it really needs to be 3/8" I want to take care of it now. Thanks for any help.
One of the holes is for the headphone jack and the other for the microphone jack. The mic jack is the smaller one. UPDATE: The mic jack is the LARGER hole. As long as one is small and the other large, you are most likely OK. If you enlarged both, maybe a stepped washer or bushing or ? (maybe others have an idea). With the microphone jack the plans tell you to use a stepped insulating washer and an insulating washer. Unfortunately it is one of the items on backorder so I can't tell you if it would work with a 1/2" hole. Or you can order another ramp.

Here is what the microphone washers look like, one is a stepped washer, both are insulating.

Looking at the catalog page, the stepped washer might be intended for the larger hole, that way, the sides of the mic jack would be totally insulated from the skin?????
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Thanks Marty

I did enlarge the front one after I goofed and did the rear. Now that I know what goes in them it is a non issue. I'll just use 2 of the stepped washers. In my Warrior both the mic and headphone were insulated from the panel.

I am sort of wondering why the mic hole is not enlarged. With a smaller hole, the the sides of the female mic connector may touch the skin. As such, the insulating washers do us no good???

Because insulating washers are a part of the design, I think the intent was to keep it insulated/isolated.

UPDATE: Answered my own question. The smaller mic jack goes into the larger hole. It will then be insulated from the airframe via the insulating washers.

If the headphone jack is enlarged you will have to use a metal washer underneath, the sleeve on the headphone jack has to be grounded.
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