
Well Known Member
Hoping someone can settle a hanger discussion from last weekend. We were discussing the relative size and comfort of the RV 6/7/9's.

In the links below (scroll about 2/3 of the way down on the right) it looks like all 3 aircraft have the same interior cabin width dimensions, but that the RV6 is shorter. Are we correct in assuming that all 3 have roughly the same exterior dimensions, and that the main interior difference is that the RV 7 and 9 have lower seat pans? Similarly, where does the extra leg room for the 7/9 come from? Or is the fuselage actually larger than on the -6?
Hoping someone can settle a hanger discussion from last weekend. We were discussing the relative size and comfort of the RV 6/7/9's.
In the links below (scroll about 2/3 of the way down on the right) it looks like all 3 aircraft have the same interior cabin width dimensions, but that the RV6 is shorter. Are we correct in assuming that all 3 have roughly the same exterior dimensions, and that the main interior difference is that the RV 7 and 9 have lower seat pans? Similarly, where does the extra leg room for the 7/9 come from? Or is the fuselage actually larger than on the -6?

RV-6, -7, and -9 are same width. Seat pan is lower on -7 and -9 giving an increase in head-room. Fuselage is longer on the -7 and -9 giving more leg-room. You are correct in all your assumptions.